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本研究旨在探討國小競技運動校隊成員參與動機與全人教育認知關係之研究;探析國小競技運動校隊成員個人背景變項與參與動機、全人教育認知之差異情形;探究國小競技運動校隊成員參與動機、全人教育認知彼此間之關係。本研究主要採用問卷調查法,在參考相關文獻後建立研究架構,自編〈國小競技運動校隊成員參與動機與全人教育認知關係之研究-問卷〉進行調查,以桃園市個案小學之競技運動校隊成員為調查對象。共發出100份,回收有效問卷91份,有效回收率91%。蒐集問卷資料後透過SPSS25.0 FOR WINDOWS統計套裝軟體進行描述性統計分析、獨立樣本 t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關等統計方法進行分析。依據調查問卷之統計分析結果,歸納主要研究發現及結論如下:一、 個案學校競技運動校隊成員參與動機以「成就需求」為主要的動機,就讀年級、參加競技運動校隊項目、未來升學選擇此三項背景變項對個案學校競技運動校隊成員參與動機呈現顯著差異,而性別、參與競技運動校隊的年資、參加之競賽中有無獲獎經驗、參加競技運動校隊是否會影響其他課業等四種背景變項則無顯著差異。二、 個案學校競技運動校隊成員在全人教育認知以「生活滿意」為最高,性別、就讀年級、參加競技運動校隊項目、未來升學選擇此四項背景變項在個案學校競技運動校隊成員在全人教育認知上呈現顯著差異,而參與競技運動校隊的年資、參加之競賽中有無獲獎經驗、參加競技運動校隊是否會影響其他課業等三種背景變項則無顯著差異。 三、 個案學校競技運動校隊成員在參與動機中的四個構面:「健康適能」、「社會需求」、「成就需求」、「運動樂趣」與全人教育認知的五個構面:「品德行為」、「學業成就」、「身心健康」、「群體互動」、「生活滿意」呈顯正相關,亦即參與動機愈高者,全人教育認知則愈高。 參與動機中的「刺激避免」構面與全人教育認知的五個構面:「品德行為」、「學業成就」、「身心健康」、「群體互動」、「生活滿意」呈顯負相關,亦即參與動機愈低者,全人教育認知則愈高。
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the elementary school athletic varsity member’s motivations for participating in competitive sports and cognitive of holistic education, analyzing the elementary school athletic varsity member’s personal background variables and motivations for participation, variance in understanding of holistic education; research on elementary school athletic varsity member’s motivation for participation, to explore the relationship among each individual subtitle relating to the holistic education.Questionnaires were used to establish the structure of the study. After referring to the relevant literature, a self-administered questionnaire was compiled to investigate the relationship between elementary school athletic team members’ motivations for participating in competitive sport and cognitive of holistic education. The participants in this study were from the Taoyuan elementary school athletic team. A total of 100 questionnaires were distributed. 91 valid questionnaires were completed and collected with a 91% validity rate. After collating the questionnaire data, descriptive statistical analysis: independent sample t-test one-way analysis of variance and Pearson's product-deviation correlation was conducted through SPSS25.0 FOR WINDOWS statistical package. Based on the statistical analysis results of the questionnaire, the main findings and conclusions are summarized as follows: First,for the elementary school athletic varsity member’s motivations for participating in competitive sports「achievement needs」is the main motivation for the varsity team members participating in competitive sport. Significant differences in the elementary school varsity teammembers’ motivations for participating in competitive sport were noted in the following, three background variables:grade level of schooling; types of school sports program for varsity team members to choose from; and future schooling choices. There were no significant differences in the following four background variables: gender;years of participation in varsity teams;experience in competitions or winning prizes; and whether participation in varsity teams affected other academic work.Second,for the elementary school athletic varsity member’s cognition of holistic education demonstrated that 「life satisfaction」 is the main motivation. The four background variables of gender; grade level; participation in varsity teams; and choice of future education; showed significant differences in the overall educational cognition of the varsity team members. There were no significant differences in the three background variables: years of participation in varsity teams; experience in winning competitions or winning prizes; and whether participation in varsity teams would affect other academic work.Third,when examining the case study of the elementary school team members motivations for participating in competitive sport, there are four components to the participant’s motivations: "health fitness"; "social needs"; "achievement needs"; and "sports fun" were positively correlated with the five components of holistic educational cognition: "moral behavior"; "academic achievement"; "physical and mental health"; "group interaction"; and "life satisfaction".The key finding was, the higher themotivations, the higher the holistic educational cognition.In the aspect of motivations for participation "stimulus avoidance" was significantly and negatively correlated with the five components of holistic educational cognition "moral behavior"; "academic achievement"; "physical and mental health"; "group interaction"; and "life satisfaction"; demonstrating the lower the motivations to participate, the higher the holistic educational cognition.



競技運動, 校隊, 全人教育, 參與動機, competitive sport, school team, holistic education, motivation for participation





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