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本研究從人文地理學「地方感」概念的脈絡之下,以北投地區眷村—七虎新村為研究場域,探討七虎新村內、外居民的地方經驗所形成的地方記憶中,眷村設施如何轉變為一個認同的地方或場所的社會文化建構邏輯。 本研究探討地方之愛形成因素,可以歸結出以下重點: 1、眷村內、外的不同社群,因為各自在不同生命時期(主要是青少年時期)於七虎球場活動的殊異體驗而存在不同的記憶內容;從居民的經驗和感受所形成的記憶,是地方意象的再現機制,而透過敘述,地方再次被經歷、被實踐,與敘述者間發生更濃郁的情感與依附關係。 2、七虎新村地方感的形構過程,是以七虎球場為核心,連結多重轉化因素,例如社會地位、角色,情感婚姻、職業生涯、師生情誼,空間參與者與地方的情感關係往往與自我價值、生命經驗有關。而空間體驗、活動參與程度,與受訪者所表現出來的地方之愛與後續在地方保存運動中採取的態度有所不同。 3、不同於其他社區營造模式,本研究中眷村內外族群相處的多元模式與地方感生發過程,非為國家政策被動操作下的結果,而是透過文化空間、經常性的休閒活動、儀式活動為中介,使處於自然情境中,不同社會權力關係的本省/外省、軍人/平民百姓、成人/兒童,基於人性關懷情操,而成就的一段地方歷史。 4、空間經過生活實踐而產生意義,這個意義亦同時鑲嵌為空間的社會性質,成為身分認同與歸屬感的來源。深刻的地方經驗,無論物質空間如何改變,仍然會在記憶的群體之間轉化為精神空間而繼續存在。 最後本研究認為,所謂封閉、邊緣化眷村文化間,會因為特定時空、社會情境因素,因為特殊地景、事物的自主性運作,成為公共論述生產或建構社會關係的重要場所,並且主導地方上一部分地域文化內容與歷史。
From the concept of “sense of place” which is of the anthropogeography realm, the Qi-Hu New Village of the military dependants’ village in Beitou was used as the research subject. Regarding the inside and outside residents of the Qi-Hu New Village and the place memory formed by the residents’ place experiences, this research discussed how the facilities of the military dependants’ village transformed into an accepted place or facility, as well as the logic behind the construction of its society and culture. This research discussed individual life courses and the factors that formed the love for those places. We concluded the main points as follows: 1. As for the different communities inside and outside the military dependants’ village, because of their different experiences on the Qi-Hu Basketball Court during different life periods (such as the teenage period), they had different memory contents. From the memory formed by the residents’ experiences and feels, the representation mechanism of the place images was obtained. Through description, places were once again experienced and put into practice. Between the places and the narrators, there existed a deeper affection and an attachment relationship. 2. When discussing the forming process of the “sense of place” of the Qi-Hu New Village, the Qi-Hu Basketball Court was used as the core to connect multiple transformation factors, such as social status, roles, affection and marriage, professional career, and the relationship between teachers and students. Usually, the affection relationship between the participants and the places was related to self-worth and life experiences. Regarding place experiences, activity involvement degree, the love for those places expressed by the interviewees, and their attitudes during the historic preservation movement, all of which were different. 3. Being different from the building models of other communities, in this research the multi-faced models of getting along between the inside and outside communities of the military dependants’ village, and the forming process of the “sense of place”, were not the results of the intentional operation of the national policy. They were the results formed under specific time, social economy, and different power relationships between the native Taiwanese and the mainlanders from China, soldiers and civilians, and adults and children. They first displayed unselfish and caring attitudes. Then, they used the relaxation space, ceremonial festivities and activities as the medium to automatically form organizations. Thus, they accomplished a segment of community history. 4. Through life practices, the places produced meaning. This meaning or sociality also inlaid into the places at the same time. They mutually deepened and became the source of identity and sense of belonging. No matter how the material places have changed, the deep place experiences of the communities will transform into a mind spacing and continue to exist. In the end, this research believed that the so-called closed and marginalized military dependants’ village culture would automatically operate due to the specific time and places, social setting factors, and special scenic sites and objects. This would cause them to become the important places of public discourses or the construction of social relationships. Furthermore, it would lead a part of the regional culture contents and history in the local area.



文化空間, 集體記憶, 地方感, 認同, cultural spacing, collective memory, sense of place, identification





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