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弗朗索瓦‧戴維安(François Devienne, 1759-1803)為一位古典樂派初期法國作曲家、長笛教育家、長笛演奏家、低音管演奏家。此首戴維安《為低音管與小提琴、中提琴、大提琴的四重奏,作品七十三第三號》(François Devienne’s Quartet for Bassoon, Violin, Viola and Violoncello in G Minor, Op. 73 No. 3),是低音管非常經典的曲目,說到低音管的四重奏、室內樂作品,幾乎會直接聯想到戴維安這個作曲家,他為低音管總共創作三首四重奏,全部都收錄在他的作品七十三號中,分為第一號、第二號和第三號,筆者選第三號進行樂曲分析與詮釋,目前,國內對於作曲家戴維安的了解,並沒有像是與他同是古典時期的沃夫岡‧阿瑪特士‧莫札特(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, 1756-1791)或是法蘭茲‧約瑟夫.海頓(Franz Joseph Haydn, 1732-1809),那麼的熟悉,故筆者也會針對戴維安的生平背景進行探討。本論文著重於戴維安《為低音管與小提琴、中提琴、大提琴的四重奏,作品七十三第三號》之樂曲分析與詮釋,深入了解曲子的節奏、旋律、調性、和聲、樂句、動機、曲式架構與筆者個人詮釋…等,希望藉由此研究,讓讀者對這首曲子有更深刻的體悟。
François Devienne(1759-1803)was an early classical period French composer, flute educator, flutist, and bassoonist.Devienne’s Quartet for Bassoon, Violin, Viola and Cello in G minor, Op. 73 No. 3 is a very classic bassoon piece, when it comes to bassoon quartets and chamber music works, it is almost directly associated with the composer Devienne, he made a total of three quartets for the bassoon, and all are included in his work No. 73, divided into No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3, I chose No. 3 for music analysis and interpretation, In addition, the current domestic understanding of the composer Devienne is not as familiar as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart(1756-1791) or Franz Joseph Haydn(1732-1809), therefore, I will also conduct discussion on the background of Devienne's life. This thesis focuses on the analysis and interpretation of Devienne’s Quartet for Bassoon, Violin, Viola and Cello in G minor, Op. 73 No. 3, in-depth understanding of the rhythm, melody, tonality, harmony, phrases, motives, musical structure and author's personal interpretation...etc., I hope that through this research, readers will have a deeper understanding of this piece.
François Devienne(1759-1803)was an early classical period French composer, flute educator, flutist, and bassoonist.Devienne’s Quartet for Bassoon, Violin, Viola and Cello in G minor, Op. 73 No. 3 is a very classic bassoon piece, when it comes to bassoon quartets and chamber music works, it is almost directly associated with the composer Devienne, he made a total of three quartets for the bassoon, and all are included in his work No. 73, divided into No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3, I chose No. 3 for music analysis and interpretation, In addition, the current domestic understanding of the composer Devienne is not as familiar as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart(1756-1791) or Franz Joseph Haydn(1732-1809), therefore, I will also conduct discussion on the background of Devienne's life. This thesis focuses on the analysis and interpretation of Devienne’s Quartet for Bassoon, Violin, Viola and Cello in G minor, Op. 73 No. 3, in-depth understanding of the rhythm, melody, tonality, harmony, phrases, motives, musical structure and author's personal interpretation...etc., I hope that through this research, readers will have a deeper understanding of this piece.
戴維安, 低音管, 四重奏, 古典主義音樂, 樂曲分析, Devienne, Bassoon, Quartet, Classical Period, Music Analysis