

泰國學生學習中文成語的困難及其教學策略研究 論文摘要 本篇論文是針對泰籍學生學習中文成語的困難進行研究。初級學生所面臨的是學習字義的困難,由於認識的中文字彙不多,不明白字義是最大障礙,加上中文的「一字多音多義」使得學習中文成語變得更加困難。因此對於初級學生的教學補救策略就是先及早奠定學生中文字彙基礎,讓學生了解「一字多音多義」的中文特色,應用實務性教學方法來教導,教字面意義容易理解的成語,筆劃簡單的成語,同時可以介紹有關成語的寓言故事給學生,用來引發學生對中文成語的興趣。中級學生所面臨的是成語的語義理解困難,無法掌握有言外之義的正確詞義,中文成語不都能就字面上的義意去猜測,一部份的成語是有典故來源的,因此對於中級學生的教學補救策略是開始教學生比較不容易理解,但是不太難的常用或頻率較高的成語以及有關中國節日的成語。成語的理解難易度是根據對比中泰成語得出,有關中國節日的成語是因為這些成語在使用上是較單純的,可以當成一個獨立句子來使用,並可藉此獲得相關的中國文化及歷史知識。高級學生面臨的是使用上的困難,應加強說明何種成語適用於何種情況,讓學生了解使用成語的語境。此外,無法正確掌握成語的句法功能也是一大障礙,因此對高級學生的教學補救策略是多多舉例成語在不同詞性時的用法及例句,使學生理解該成語與其他句型結合使用的情況,並且說明是否有褒義、貶義以及引申義等。欲想讓學生能有效學習成語,學生必須要多認識中文詞彙以及認識中國文化與歷史,再說明成語的字義、語義與隱含意義,最後說明使用的語境及成語的句法功能,要多多舉例並給學生作業練習,然後依照成語含義的難易度,分不同的步驟來教導學生。在教學方面必須選取實用的成語,務必加強說明使用的情境,詳加舉例,並提醒學生注意不同詞性的成語句中的語法功能。教師要多給作業並勤加批改,學生勤加運用。 教泰國學生中文成語時,先把常用的成語歸為四類,先教第一類的成語(中文有泰文也有意思相同,且具有完全相同的形容或比喻),再來教第二類型的成語(中文有泰文有意思相同,但泰文成語是部分相同的比喻),再教第四類型的成語(泰文成語辭典未發現),最後才教第三類型的成語(中文有泰文有意思相同,但泰文成語用完全不相同的比喻或形容)。從我們的研究發現第三類型對於泰籍學生來說是最難的,所以應把這類的成語放到最後來教。我們發現最容易理解的成語是第一類成語,可以證明Lado所提出的『正遷移』(Positive Transfer)理論是可以引用在對泰國學生理解中文成語,但是在使用的過程可能會產生『負遷移』(Negative Transfer),必須加以調整。語意概念中的文化獨特性,對學習者是陌生的,因此,第三類型的成語對泰國學生而言,容易產生較大的困難與誤解。
A study of Thai students’ learning difficulties of Chinese idioms and the corresponding effective teaching strategies Abstract This thesis deals with Thai students’ difficulties in learning Chinese idioms. Primary students are facing difficulties in learning the meaning of Chinese words. Because the students’ vocabulary is limited, the biggest barrier is not only in understanding the character’s meaning. Moreover Chinese characters’ multi-sounds and polysemy make learning Chinese idioms more difficult. Therefore, for the primary students the remedial strategy is to build their vocabularies as quickly as possible. Have the student understand Chinese characters may have more than one pronunciation or more than one meaning. For beginners, teach them commonly used idioms with simple characters. By introducing stories related to the idioms being taught, you may better motivate students to learn Chinese idioms. For intermediate students, some idioms are more difficult for grasping the meaning through the composed words. Some of them have a historic origin. Therefore, the strategy of teaching intermediate students is to make sure the students understand what the idiom means. Idioms which can be used in one sentence are easier for students to use. The difficulty for advanced students is in the correct usage of an idiom. They need to know the exact situation for certain idioms to apply. Furthermore, in order to correctly use an idiom grammatically, they also need to know what sentential role it serves. For example, is it used as a noun phrase, an adjectival phrase, or a verb phrase. According to the corpus statistics, Chinese idioms are most often used as a verb phrase. Therefore, giving advanced students many appropriate examples is the key to successful teaching. Explaining whether an idiom has a commendatory or derogatory meaning is also helpful. Students can learn idioms as well as the related culture and the history behind them. Our study confirms that “the Positive Transfer theory” does help Thai students to understand Chinese idioms. However, a “Negative Transfer” also exists. Foreign concepts are sometimes strange to the learner. For Thai students, teaching identical idioms (Type 1 idioms) first, such as the idioms that one can find with the same analogy in Thai. Then, teach the ones which share part of the same analogy (Type 2 idioms). Finally, teach Type 3 idioms, in which the Chinese and Thai languages employ completely different analogies.



成語教學, 一詞多音多義, 正遷移, 負遷移, teaching Chinese idioms, polysemy, Positive Transfer, Negative Transfer





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