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民國 8 年(1919),在金陵女子學院畢業生成為中國第一批獲得文學士學位的女性,金陵女子大學的制度、組織、教師、學生及課程狀況為何,對女子受教權造成何種影響?對當時社會有何貢獻?將著重金陵女大教育理念與相關制度探討。本研究所稱金陵女子大學,包括向國府立案後改稱金陵女子文理學院。研究時間範圍,自民國 4 年創校至 38 年(1915-1949)止。研究目的有三:一、探討金陵女子大學成立背景。二、探討金陵女子大學的教育特徵。三、探討金陵女子大學教育成效與貢獻。本研究屬歷史研究,主要史料有《國史館》及《檔案管理局》抗戰前後金陵女大檔案、中國教育年鑑並參考教會刊物。研究主要發現有七項,分別為:一、時代背景上,沿襲教會設學輔教策略,推動女子大學教育。二、學校發展上,金陵女子大學歷經初創時期、發展時期、抗戰時期和戰後復員期。三、學校組織上,立案前依教會制度,立案後依大學組織法運作,辦學理念為厚生。四、師資結構上,師資以聘用本國籍女性為專任教師為主,且訂有教師送審與合聘制度。五、學生結構上,學校規模小,學生來自教會學校比率高,以本國籍為主。六、在學生學習上,正式課程注重體育與英語,非正式課程注重課外社團活動。七、在畢業生出路上,學生畢業出路多元,培育多元女性人才。
In 1919, the female students graduated from Gingling College in China became the first women to receive a Bachelor of Arts degree. What were its institution, organization, teachers, students, and curriculum?What did the graduates from Gingling College contributed to society? And what did it impact women's educational right, and its implication? Therefore, this study will focus on the ideas and system of Gingling College from 1915 to 1949. The aims of this thesis were to find its background, to explore its educational characteristics, and to analyze the achievement of Gingling College. This study was a historical research. National archives about Gingling College 1932-1948 collected from National History Museum and Archives Management Bureau were used. Besides, college records, Second China Educational Yearbook and Educational Association of China Educational Quarterly were referenced too.The main findings are as follows: I. It followed the strategy of missions to establish schools for evangelism, and provided women's college education; II. As to school development, the history of Gingling College had been divided into four stages: the start-up stage, the development stage, the Anti-Japanese War stage and the post-war demobilization stage; III. As to school organization, before registration in 1930, it took the church system, and after that, it operated in accordance with the University Organization Law. The ideal of college was to teach abundant life; IV. As to the structure of faculty, it mainly employednative women as full-time teachers, and there was a system of Teacher Qualifications Accreditation and joint employment; V. As to student structure, the scale of college was small, and the proportion of native students from mission schools was high; VII As to student learning, formal curriculum focused on sports and English, while informal curriculum focused on student activities; VII. Graduates had multiple careers and cultivated diverse female talents.



女子高等教育, 金陵女子大學, 金陵女子文理學院, 教會大學, Ginlin College, mission university, women's higher education





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