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本研究旨在探討新冠疫情之下,臺北市國民小學教師面對緊急遠距教學時的態度與教學創新表現之現況,並分析不同背景變項的差異及兩項變項之間的相關性和預測情形。 研究對象以臺北市公立小學教師為研究母群,以「緊急遠距教學態度量表」和「教學創新表現量表」為研究工具實施問卷調查,問卷回收後有效樣本共310人,使用描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數、皮爾森積差相關與迴歸分析。 本研究結果歸納如下:1. 臺北市國小教師在面對緊急遠距教學時抱持中度的態度。2. 臺北市國小教師在面對緊急遠距教學時抱持中度以上的教學創新表現。3. 不同的年齡、年資、授課年段與偏好教學方式等背景變項,對於教師面對緊急遠距教學時之態度或其面項有顯著差異。4. 教師面對緊急遠距教學的態度對教學創新表現具有預測力。本研究根據研究結果,對實務應用上提出具體建議,供教師、學校、教育相關單位及未來研究之參考。關鍵詞: 新冠疫情、緊急遠距教學、教師態度、教學創新表現
This research aims to explore the current situation, different background variables effecting, forecast and relationship among primary teachers’ attitudes and teaching innovations in Taipei of Taiwan during the emergency remote learning caused by Covid-19. This paper reports on quantitative findings from primary school teachers in Taipei with 310 effective samples. Methods of data collection deployed “emergency remote teaching attitudes” and “teaching innovation” surveys. Data analysis methods include descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation, regressions and etc. According to the data analysis, the conclusions are as follows:1. The current situation of teachers’ attitudes of primary school teachers in Taipei City during the emergency remote teaching is normal.2. The current situation of teaching innovations of primary school teachers in Taipei City during the emergency remote teaching is fairly well.3. Teachers with different background variables of age, year of service, course arrangement by year, and preference of on-line teaching ways in the overall teachers’ attitudes and some dimensions are significant differences.4. The teachers’ attitudes to the teaching innovations during the emergency remote teaching are significant predictability.Based on the results of the research, it proposed some suggestions for teachers, schools, education authorities, and research in the future.Keywords: Covid-19, emergency remote learning (ERL), teachers’ attitudes, teaching innovation
This research aims to explore the current situation, different background variables effecting, forecast and relationship among primary teachers’ attitudes and teaching innovations in Taipei of Taiwan during the emergency remote learning caused by Covid-19. This paper reports on quantitative findings from primary school teachers in Taipei with 310 effective samples. Methods of data collection deployed “emergency remote teaching attitudes” and “teaching innovation” surveys. Data analysis methods include descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation, regressions and etc. According to the data analysis, the conclusions are as follows:1. The current situation of teachers’ attitudes of primary school teachers in Taipei City during the emergency remote teaching is normal.2. The current situation of teaching innovations of primary school teachers in Taipei City during the emergency remote teaching is fairly well.3. Teachers with different background variables of age, year of service, course arrangement by year, and preference of on-line teaching ways in the overall teachers’ attitudes and some dimensions are significant differences.4. The teachers’ attitudes to the teaching innovations during the emergency remote teaching are significant predictability.Based on the results of the research, it proposed some suggestions for teachers, schools, education authorities, and research in the future.Keywords: Covid-19, emergency remote learning (ERL), teachers’ attitudes, teaching innovation
新冠疫情, 緊急遠距教學, 教師態度, 教學創新表現, Covid-19, emergency remote learning (ERL), teachers' attitudes, teaching innovation