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本研究目的旨在探討台灣地區優秀女子舉重選手,因應比賽壓力的方法、策略及其成效。透過深入訪談法,記錄選手們平常訓練、比賽前及比賽中的經歷與體驗而進行問題的探討。本研究對象以我國五年內(2009-2014年),實際當選國手代表我國參加國際賽事,至今仍從事舉重賽事,並持續參與訓練之十四名優秀女子舉重選手。 研究所得資料經分析及歸類後發現:台灣地區優秀女子舉重選手平常訓練時的壓力來源主要有教練的期待、訓練成效(成績表現)及經濟壓力等,比賽前的壓力來源主要有心理因素、教練的期待及賽事重要性等,比賽中的壓力來源主要有比賽即時成績(重量差距)、心理因素、對手的表現及教練的期待等。 選手在訓練中面臨壓力時所採取的的主要因應策略依序為,意象法、放鬆法、轉移注意力、忽視壓力、深呼吸等因應策略,比賽前面臨壓力時所採取的主要因應策略依序為,放鬆法、自我對話、正面思考、轉移注意力、深呼吸等因應策略,而選手在比賽中面臨勝負關鍵壓力時所採取的因應策略主要依序為,自我對話、與教練談話、深呼吸、意象法、忽視壓力等因應策略。 在面對高競爭下的優秀女子舉重選手,不僅要為自己的成績努力打拚,更背負著大眾的期待。因此,有系統、有方法、有步驟的心理技能訓練課程確實是不可或缺的成功關鍵。期許教練們能夠提供這方面的協助及支援,使未來進軍國際殿堂之舉重選手們能排除壓力。
The purpose of this research is to discuss the methods and the strategies Taiwanese outstanding women weightlifters use to cope with competition stress and also to discuss the effect. Through in-depth interviews, contestants’ daily training, experiences before competitions and during competitions are recorded to be discussed with. The objects of this research are fourteen women weightlifters who are elected as national athletes to represent our country in international competitions in the last five years (2009-2014) and are now still engaged in weightlifting competitions and keep receiving training. After being analyzed and categorized, the information obtained shows that the sources of stress Taiwanese outstanding women weightlifters have at daily training are basically: coaches’ expectations, results of training (performances), financial stress. The sources of stress before competitions are basically: psychological factors, coaches’ expectations, importance of competitions. The sources of stress during competitions are basically: coaches’ expectations, instant performances in competitions (differences of weight), psychological factors, and opponents’ performances. The main strategies contestants use during training to relieve stress are basically: imagery, relaxation, distracting attention, ignoring stress, and deep breathing. The main strategies contestants use before competitions to relieve stress are basically: relaxation, self-dialogue, positive thinking, distracting attention, deep breathing. And during competitions, the main strategies contestants use when facing the critical points that decide victory or defeat are basically: self-dialogue, dialogues with coaches, deep breathing, imagery, and ignoring stress. In fierce competitions, outstanding women weightlifters not only have to fight for their own success but also have to be burdened with public expectations. Thus, systematic, methodical and step-by-step psychological skills training courses are indeed the necessary keys to success. We hope that coaches can provide help and support in this respect, enabling future contestants in international weightlifting competitions to relieve stress.



壓力, 壓力管理, 心理技能訓練, 優秀舉重選手, stress, outstanding weightlifters, psychological skills training, stress management





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