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本研究主要目的為了解漢字書寫習字簿中,不同的書寫練習策略與不同的輔助格線呈現方式對以中文為第二外語學習者漢字學習表現的影響。本研究為完全受試者內實驗設計(within-subjects design),採用3(書寫練習策略)x2(輔助格線)的實驗設計,自變項為書寫練習策略與輔助線呈現格式,書寫練習策略分為無筆畫提示、漸增筆畫提示與單一筆畫提示3種,每一種書寫練習策略的輔助線呈現格式根據目標漢字的結構又可分為上下/左右或田字格,依變項為漢字識字與寫字測驗之得分。研究對象為以漢語為第二外語學習者之外籍人士共46位,分為漢語學習時間短組別與漢語學習時間長組別,分別進行漢字學習表現的分析。本研究所使用的漢字材料是由漢字組字規則資料庫(陳學志等人,2011)中選定而成,設定筆畫數為9畫,選出30個目標字。結果發現:漢語學習經驗短組別學習者的漢字字義學習表現有顯著差異,漸增筆畫提示的表現優於單一筆畫提示的表現;然而,漢語學習經驗長組別學習者的漢字字義學習表現上是無筆畫提示效果顯著優於漸增筆畫提示效果。不同的輔助格線對不同程度學習者的漢字學習表現無顯著影響。最終研究者根據研究結果,針對漢字習字簿的設計提出建議。
The current research was aimed at the recognition result of Chinese Character by writing practice strategies and structure grid types on writing practice book. The experiment was 3(writing practice strategies) x2(structure grid types) within-subjects design. Writing practice strategies included non-stroke order writing, increasing strokes writing by order and single stroke writing by order, and the types of structure grids were crossed grid and vertical or horizontal grid by the structure of each Chinese Character. Participants were 46non-Chinese native speakers in Taipei City, which were divided into 2 groups by the length of their Chinese learning period.30 of 9 strokes target characters were selected from the Chinese orthographic database established by Chen et al. (2011).Results of the research were as follows: In less proficient Chinese learning period group, the effect of increasingly strokes writing by order strategy in the definition of Chinese character recognition was significant. In longer Chinese learning period group, the effect of non-stroke order writing strategy in the definition of Chinese character recognition was significant. The effect of different structure grid types of different Chinese learning period group in Chinese learning was not significant. Suggestions were provided to improve the recognition of Chinese character by the design of Chinese character writing practice book.
The current research was aimed at the recognition result of Chinese Character by writing practice strategies and structure grid types on writing practice book. The experiment was 3(writing practice strategies) x2(structure grid types) within-subjects design. Writing practice strategies included non-stroke order writing, increasing strokes writing by order and single stroke writing by order, and the types of structure grids were crossed grid and vertical or horizontal grid by the structure of each Chinese Character. Participants were 46non-Chinese native speakers in Taipei City, which were divided into 2 groups by the length of their Chinese learning period.30 of 9 strokes target characters were selected from the Chinese orthographic database established by Chen et al. (2011).Results of the research were as follows: In less proficient Chinese learning period group, the effect of increasingly strokes writing by order strategy in the definition of Chinese character recognition was significant. In longer Chinese learning period group, the effect of non-stroke order writing strategy in the definition of Chinese character recognition was significant. The effect of different structure grid types of different Chinese learning period group in Chinese learning was not significant. Suggestions were provided to improve the recognition of Chinese character by the design of Chinese character writing practice book.
漢字習字簿, 漢字書寫練習, 漢字學習表現, 筆順, 筆畫, 輔助格線, Chinese character writing practice book, Chinese character writing practice, recognition of Chinese character, stroke order, stroke, writing grid