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背景:先前研究發現,藉由進行高強度動態收縮之阻力運動,可以短暫提升隨後的爆發力運動表現,此現象稱為「活化後增能作用」 (post-activation potentiation, PAP)。然而,PAP現象的誘發與否,阻力運動內容的操控扮演重要的角色。在進行動態收縮之阻力運動時,研究結果發現在離心收縮階段增加額外的重量負荷,能夠增加向心收縮時的力量產生。因此,在進行高強度動態收縮之阻力運動時,能否透過增加離心收縮時的重量負荷,誘發更大的PAP現象,進一步提升隨後的爆發力運動表現,至今尚未有任何研究進行探討。目的:探討增加仰臥推舉時離心收縮重量負荷對隨後仰臥推擲 (bench throw) 之功率、力量與速度峰值的影響。方法:參與者為16名有規律阻力訓練的健康男性 (年齡 23.4 ± 3.0歲),以重複量數且平衡次序設計,進行4種不同測驗處理,其中3種為不同離心收縮重量負荷之仰臥推舉處理,所有參與者分別進行1組3次反覆之仰臥推舉,離心收縮/向心收縮重量負荷分別為90%/90%、100%/90%、105%/90%之向心1RM;另外,在控制處理中參與者不進行仰臥推舉之處理。在每次不同測驗處理前及處理後的第8和12分鐘,參與者進行2次的仰臥推擲測驗,藉由分析仰臥推擲之功率、力量與速度峰值來評估上肢的爆發力表現 (PAP現象)。統計分析以重複量數二因子變異數分析,考驗功率、力量與速度峰值在4種測驗處理與3 個測驗時間下的差異,顯著水準定為 p ≤ .05。結果:在進行仰臥推舉運動後,上肢功率峰值在處理後第8分鐘時,90%/90%處理 (2,970 ± 406 瓦特) 與105%/90%處理 (2,943 ± 395 瓦特) 皆顯著大於控制處理 (2,694 ± 387瓦特);此外,上肢速度峰值在處理後第8分鐘時,90%/90%處理 (2.57 ± 0.25 公尺/秒) 與105%/90%處理 (2.53 ± 0.19 公尺/秒) 也都顯著大於控制處理 (2.33 ± 0.22 公尺/秒);在上肢力量峰值方面,仰臥推舉處理後第12分鐘時,100%/90%處理 (1,401 ± 171 牛頓) 顯著大於處理前 (1,372 ± 172 牛頓),並且也顯著大於90%/90% 處理 (1,369 ± 168 牛頓) 及控制處理 (1,369 ± 170 牛頓)。結論:在進行高強度動態收縮之阻力運動時,可藉由增加離心收縮重量負荷來誘發上肢的PAP現象,其中,使用離心收縮/向心收縮重量負荷分別為105%/90%之向心1RM,對於提升隨後的上肢爆發力表現可能較有幫助。
Background:Post-activation potentiation (PAP) refers to the phenomena by which the use of high-intensity resistance exercise can enhance the performance of the subsequent power exercise. In recent years, studies have shown that increased eccentric loading to enhance concentric contraction force. However, performing high intensity dynamic exercise, whether could used of increased eccentric contraction phase loading on induce more phenomena of postactivation potentiation. There has not any research to explore.Purpose:To investigate the effects of Increased Eccentric Loading on upper limb bench throw on peak power, peak force and peak velocity performance. Methods:Sixteen resistance-trained males were recruited and performed 1 set 3 repetitions increased eccentric loading bench press exercise under 4 different exercise treatments (The loads were 90,100, and 105% of 1 repetition maximum (RM) for the eccentric phase ,whereas 90% RM was constantly used for the concentric phase and control) using repeated measures and counter-balanced order designs. Participants performed the bench throw and before and 8 and 12 minutes after increased eccentric loading resistance exercise and their upper limb power performance was assessed by analyzing peak power, peak force and peak velocity of bench throws. Two-way repeated measures ANOVA was used to analyze the data. A significance level was set at p ≤ .05. Results:Peak power at 8 mins after bench press exercise was significantly greater in 90%/90% (2,970 ± 406 W) and 105%/90% (2,943 ± 395 W) treatments when compared with control treatment (2,694 ± 387 W). Moreover, peak velocity at 8 mins after exercise was also significantly greater in 90%/90% (2.57 ± 0.25 m/s) and 105%/90% (2.53 ± 0.19 m/s) treatments when compared with control treatment (2.33 ± 0.22 m/s). In addition, peak force at 12 mins after exercise was significantly greater in 100%/90% (1,401 ± 171 N) treatment when compared with 100%/90% (1,372 ± 172 N) treatment in pre test, and was significantly greater than 90%/90% (1,369 ± 168 N) and control treatments (1,369 ± 170 N).Conclusions:When performing high intensity dynamic exercise, who increased eccentric loading on could induce phenomena of postactivation potentiation. Our results suggest that the greater eccentric contraction/ concentric contraction loading protocol is using 105/90%1RM,exercise have greater benefits in improvement of upper limb power performance.



增強離心收縮負荷, 槓片掛勾裝置, 仰臥推擲, 爆發力表現, accentuated eccentric loading, weight releaser, bench throw, power performance





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