
dc.contributorHo, Jen-Yuen_US
dc.contributor.authorJhou, Jyun-Yongen_US
dc.description.abstract背景:近年來,從事路跑運動的人口越來越多,然而,路跑運動後 (特別是經歷下坡跑的路段) 卻常常會伴隨著肌肉 酸痛、腫脹、關節活動範圍減少、肌力下降等現象,即所謂運動誘發肌肉損傷 (exercise-induced muscle damage, EIMD)。 因此,學者們開始尋找下坡跑後肌肉損傷的恢復方法,其中,關於滾筒式自我肌筋膜放鬆技術 (foam roller combined with self myofascial release, 滾筒 SMR) 的效益仍有待研究進一步釐清。目的:探討在 30 分鐘的下坡跑後,進行滾筒 SMR 處理 (每一肌群滾動 45 秒與 30 秒之兩者處理) 對肌肉損傷後恢復的影響。方法:本研究招募 24 名有運動習慣 之健康男性,依據受試者之最大攝氧量 (V ‧O2max) 表現配對分為三組:滾筒 SMR45 秒組、滾筒 SMR30 秒組與控制 組。所有受試者在跑步機上進行一次 30 分鐘,強度設定為 70%V ‧O2max 相對應速度,坡度為-15%的下坡跑。兩組滾 筒 SMR 組皆在下坡跑後立即、24、48 小時進行滾筒 SMR 處理,控制組則不進行任何滾筒 SMR 處理。此外,所有 受試者在下坡跑前 30 分鐘 (基準值)、下坡跑後 24-72 小時測量肌酸激酶 (creatine kinase, CK) 活性、最大等長收縮 (maximal voluntary isometric contraction, MVIC)、肌肉酸痛 (muscle soreness, SOR)、關節活動範圍 (range of motion, ROM)、大腿肢體圍 (thigh circumference, CIR),藉以評估滾筒 SMR 處理對下坡跑後肌肉損傷之影響,並以混合設計 二因子變異數分析進行統計分析。結果:下坡跑運動後三組別於恢復期 24-72 小時 MVIC、ROM 顯著的降低,而 SOR、 CIR 與 CK 則顯著上升。然而,運動後第 72 小時,滾筒 SMR45 秒組的 MVIC (84.2% ± 1%) 顯著高於滾筒 SMR30 秒 組 (81.2% ± 7.9%) 與控制組 (63.6% ± 20.0%);儘管 SOR 於運動後所有時間點上滾筒 SMR45 秒組 (4.2 ± 0.3 公分) 皆顯著低於滾筒 SMR30 秒組 (5.3 ± 3.1 公分),但兩組別與控制組 (4.4 ± 0.3 公分) 未達顯著差異;此外,運動後第 72 小時 CK 的變化量,滾筒 SMR45 秒組 (0.6 ± 1.1 %) 與滾筒 SMR30 秒組 (0.4 ± 0.5 %) 顯著低於控制組 (2.1 ± 1.9 %)。ROM 與 CIR 在運動後所有時間點的恢復上三組別間則沒有達顯著差異。結論:下坡跑運動後滾筒 SMR (45 秒 與 30 秒組) 處理的介入可能會促進肌肉損傷的恢復,特別是在 MVIC 與 CK 的恢復上有效益,但在 ROM、SOR、 CIR 的恢復上沒有顯著效益。另外,在促進下坡跑後肌肉損傷的恢復上,滾筒 SMR30 秒組處理的效益可能低於滾筒 SMR45 秒組處理的效益。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractBackground: The numbers of people participating in road running are on the rise. However, road running (especially with downhill running) often accompanies muscle soreness, swelling, reduction of joint mobility and decrease in strength, known as exercise-induced muscle damage. Therefore, research has drawn attention to the emphasis on how to alleviate muscle soreness following downhill running (DHR). Among which, the benefits of using self-myofascial release combined with foam roller (SMR) still require further investigation. Purpose: To investigate the effects of SMR on muscle damage induced by DHR. Methods: Twenty-four healthy male participants who exercised regularly were divided into three groups: SMR 45 second group, SMR 30-second group and control group. All participants ran on a treadmill (-15% decline) for 30 minutes at the intensity of their pre-determined 70% V ‧O2max. The two SMR groups performed SMR immediately, after 24 and 48 hours following DHR, while the control group did not perform any SMR. Furthermore, creatine kinase (CK), maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC), muscle soreness (SOR), range of motion (ROM) and circumstance (CIR) were measured before DHR, and 24-72 hours following DHR. Mixed two-way ANOVA were used to analyze the data. Results: The MVIC and ROM of the three groups dropped significantly during 24 to 72 hours after DHR, while SOR、CIR and CK increased significantly. However, after 72 hours of DHR, the MVIC of the SMR 45-second group was significantly higher than SMR 30-second group and control group. Even though SOR of the SMR 45-second group was significantly lower than the SMR 30-second group at all time points, there was no significant difference between the two groups and the control group. In addition, at 72 hours after DHR, the changes of CK from baseline of both SMR 45- and 30-second groups were significantly lower than the control group. There were no significant differences among the three groups in ROM and CIR at all time points. Conclusion: Performing SMR treatments (45 and 30 seconds) following DHR may aid in muscle recovery from damage, which is especially effective in the recovery of MVIC and CK, however, there may be no benefits for the recovery of ROM, SOR and CIR. Furthermore, the effect of performing SMR for 30 seconds may have less benefits when compared to SMR for 45 seconds.en_US
dc.subjectfoam rolleren_US
dc.subjecteccentric exerciseen_US
dc.subjectexercise-induced muscle damageen_US
dc.subjectcreatine kinaseen_US
dc.subjectmaximal voluntary isometric contractionen_US
dc.titleEffects of Self Myofascial Release Combined with Foam Roller on Muscle Damage Induced by Downhill Runningen_US

