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幽默對於因應個人壓力與促進人際互動中一直扮演重要的角色,近期研究更精緻化地區分出不同的幽默方式,主要以Martin、Puhlik-Doris、Larsen、Gray 和 Weir(2003)的「幽默風格量表」為主,他們以價性(正向與負向)和人我(自我與他人)區分出四種幽默風格:「自我提升型幽默」、「親和型幽默」、「自我貶抑型幽默」、和「攻擊型幽默」。然而,以往國內研究較偏向幽默風格與個人身心適應的關聯,較少探討在不同人際關係中的影響。據此,本研究延伸至家庭關係,探討父母幽默風格對其青少年子女心理適應的影響,以及此影響機制,是否會因不同的幽默風格強化或弱化青少年復原力,進而再影響青少年心理適應。本研究蒐集臺灣七至九年級之青少年研究參與者,共351組對偶樣本。在父母的部分,施測中文版幽默風格量表;在青少年部分,則施測生活滿意度和心理憂鬱量表為心理適應指標以及復原力量表。結果發現:父親的攻擊型幽默與青少年生活滿意度及復原力呈現負相關,並與青少年心理憂鬱呈現正相關。另一方面,父親的自我提升型幽默以及母親的親和型幽默則與青少年生活滿意度及復原力呈現正相關,並與青少年心理憂鬱呈現負相關。此外,青少年復原力與青少年生活滿意度呈現正相關,並與心理憂鬱呈負相關。後續分析發現,父親的攻擊型與自我提升型幽默、以及母親的親和型幽默對於青少年生活滿意度和心理憂鬱的關聯,是透過青少年復原力所中介。該結果顯示出父親使用過多的攻擊型幽默可能會弱化青少年復原力,進而負向影響心理健康;相對的,當父親使用較多的自我提升幽默,或是母親使用較多的親和型幽默,則有助於青少年強化復原力,進而正向影響心理健康。整體而言,本研究延伸幽默風格至家庭關係中,並且發現父親與母親在不同幽默風格對青少年復原力與心理適應的影響特性。
The present study aimed to investigate the influence of parental’ humor styles on young adolescents’ well-being, and the mediational effect of the young adolescents’ resilience. The study recruited 351 young adolescents and their parents in Taiwan. The measurements included the traditional Chinese version of the Humor Style Questionnaire (HSQ-TC), Inventory of Adolescent Resilience(IAR), Satisfaction with life scale(SWLS), and Center for epidemiological studies depression scale(CES-D).The major findings were as following: aggressive humor styles of fathers have negative correlation with young adolescents’ resilience and satisfaction with life, and have positive correlation with young adolescents’ depression. Self-enhancing humor style of fathers and affiliative humor style of mothers have positive correlation with young adolescents’ resilience and satisfaction with life, and have negative correlation with young adolescents’ depression. There is a positive correlation between young adolescents’ resilience and satisfaction with life, and a negative correlation between young adolescents’ resilience and depression. Young adolescents’ resilience fully mediated the relationship between theirs’ satisfaction with life and self-enhancing humor style of fathers, the relationship between theirs’ satisfaction with life and aggressive humor style of fathers ,and the relationship between theirs’ satisfaction with life and affiliative humor style of mothers. Young adolescents’ resilience fully mediated the relationship between theirs’ depression and self-enhancing humor style of fathers, the relationship between theirs’ depression and aggressive humor style of fathers, and the relationship between theirs’ depression and affiliative humor style of mothers. Implications for educational consultation and research limitations are discussed.



幽默風格, 復原力, 心理適應, humor styles, resilience, well-being





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