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本研究旨在探究公務人員職場中所面臨的情緒事件樣態、情緒激發型態及情緒調節策略的使用情形。透過經驗取樣法,收集公務人員職場中的情緒經驗,並分析使用情緒調節策略與生活滿意度之關聯。本研究採滾雪球抽樣法,收集54位從事行政職之公務人員,在為期2週(連續10個工作日)的經驗取樣階段,每日透過Google表單填答情緒經驗資料。主要研究工具為研究團隊利用Google表單建立職場情緒日誌選單,並選用「五大人格特質量表短版(TIPI)」、「情緒調節量表(ERQ)」、「生活滿意度量表(SWLS)」及「正負向情緒量表(I-PANAS-SF)」等問卷作為測量工具。透過卡方檢定、相關檢定及迴歸分析等方法探討研究參與者情緒經驗紀錄、情緒事件類型、情緒激發型態與使用情緒調節策略樣態等,並據以分析公務人員職場中使用情緒調節策略與生活滿意度之關聯。 研究結果發現:一、參與者的職場情緒激發主要發生在14~17時,並以「工作事件」為最多,情緒對象主要為「工作服務對象」。二、職場情緒事件所激發的負向情緒高於正向情緒。而「工作事件」引發較多的「負向情緒」,「人際事件」引發較多的「正向情緒」。三、在情緒激發後平均使用1.55個情緒調節策略,以「思考解決方案」策略為最多。在面臨「工作事件」類別與對象為「主管」時,均使用較多的「情緒調節(中期)策略」。另外在情緒調節結果中,「人際事件」出現較少的「真實情緒與情緒表達不一致」;而當情緒對象為「主管」、使用「情緒調節(中期)策略」時,均出現較多的「真實情緒與情緒表達不一致」。四、控制參與者背景與人格變項後,發現較常使用「情緒調節(中期)策略」及「情緒調節一致性」越高者,擁有較好的生活滿意度。本研究依據研究結果針對職場情緒調節提出建議,供實務工作及後續研究之參考。
The aim of this study is to explore the patterns of emotional events, types of emotional arousal, and the use of emotion regulation strategies in the workplace of civil servants. Through experience sampling, emotional experiences in the workplace of civil servants were collected, and the relationship between the use of emotion regulation strategies and life satisfaction was analyzed. The study employed snowball sampling to collect data from 54 civil servants engaged in administrative roles. During a two-week period (consecutive 10 working days) of the experience sampling phase, participants completed a daily emotional experience questionnaire using Google Forms. The main research tools included a workplace emotion diary menu created by the research team using Google Forms, as well as questionnaires such as the “Ten-Item Personality Inventory (TIPI),” the “Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ),” the “Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS),” and the “Positive and Negative Affect Schedule - Short Form (I-PANAS-SF).” The data were analyzed using methods such as chi-square tests, correlation tests, and regression analysis to explore the patterns of emotional experience records, types of emotional events, types of emotional arousal, and patterns of emotion regulation strategies used by the participants, and to analyze the relationship between the use of emotion regulation strategies and life satisfaction in the workplace of civil servants.The study results revealed the following: (1) Participants’ workplace emotional arousal primarily occurred between 14:00 and 17:00, with “work-related events” being the most frequent, and the main targets of emotions were “work-service recipients.” (2) Negative emotions were more prevalent than positive emotions in workplace emotional events. “Work-related events” triggered more negative emotions, while “interpersonal events” triggered more positive emotions. (3) On average, participants used 1.55 emotion regulation strategies after experiencing emotional arousal, with “thinking of solutions” being the most common strategy. When facing “work-related events” and “supervisors” as the targets, participants used more “emotion regulation (mid-term) strategies.” Additionally, in terms of emotion regulation outcomes, “incongruence between true emotions and expressed emotions” was less frequent in “interpersonal events,” but occurred more often when the emotional targets were “supervisors” and participants used “emotion regulation (mid-term) strategies.” (4) After controlling for participant backgrounds and personality variables, it was found that those who frequently used “emotion regulation (mid-term) strategies” and had higher “emotion regulation consistency” had better life satisfaction. Based on the research findings, suggestions for workplace emotion regulation are provided for practical work and future research reference.



公務人員, 情緒調節, 情緒調節策略, 經驗取樣, civil servant, emotion regulation, emotion regulation strategies, experience-sampling method





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