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台灣高等教育評鑑制度自1975年發展以來,累積了豐富的成果。然而,在高等教育日益大眾化、市場化與國際化的趨勢之下,高等教育品質的確保與提升被視為必須持續努力的工作。本研究之比較研究對象-印度,近年來在經濟發展上迅速崛起,並被美國高盛(Goldman Sachs)公司將其與中國大陸、俄羅斯、巴西共同譽為「金磚四國」。高等教育是一國的經濟命脈,印度除了在經濟發展上擁有傲人的成就,其高等教育的品質保證措施在國際上也備受肯定,值得我國深入探究與學習。此外,印度近年來在與台灣同樣受到高等教育迅速擴張的衝擊,而產生高等教育質量不均的質疑。因此,本研究擬就蒐集台灣與印度之高等教育評鑑制度之相關文獻與官方文件資料,運用文件分析法以及Bereday的比較教育研究法,進行國際比較分析。根據上述,本研究之主要目的如下:一、探討高等教育評鑑之內涵;二、探討高等教育評鑑模式;三、探討台灣與印度兩國高等教育評鑑制度之發展沿革;四、探究台灣與印度兩國高等教育評鑑制度之實施現況;五、比較台灣與印度兩國高等教育評鑑制度之評鑑模式;六、歸納分析結果,提出結論並試圖對台灣和印度兩國高等教育評鑑制度的未來發展提出具體建議,以供兩國教育行政機關決策之參考。
Since the development of higher education evaluation system in Taiwan from 1975, it has accumulated lots of achievements. However, in the trend of popularization, marketization and internationalization of higher education, the assurance and enhancement of the quality of higher education should be seen as continuous work. In this research, the comparative object—India, as one of “BRICs,” which was named by Goldman Sachs with China, Russia, and Brazil, has a fast progress in economics in recent years. Except for its high achievement in economic development, india’s quality assurance mechanism of higher education is also confirmed in the world-wide, so it will be worth for Taiwan to inquiry and trace. In addition, both Taiwan and India have impacted on the rash extension in higher education, therefore there were generated the query of the quality of higher education. Consequently, this study would utilize document analysis and Bereday’s comparative method in education to compare the higher education evaluation system between Taiwan and India. Based on above, the purposes of this study are listed as follows: explore the content of higher education evaluation; explore the higher education evaluation model; 3. to explore the developmental process of the higher education evaluation system in Taiwan and India; explore the practice of the higher education evaluation system in Taiwan and India; compare the higher education evaluation model in Taiwan and India; 6. to induct the analysis outcome, make the conclusion and bring up some suggestions for the educational administrator as some reference upon policy making. In the process of study, the researcher use the development process (consists of development periods, the motive of the evaluation, the nature of the evaluation institution, and the evaluation types) and the practice situation (consists of evaluation institutions, evaluation types, evaluation purposes, evaluation content and criteria, evaluation procedure, and the manipulation and application of evaluation outcomes) as comparative points to explore the differences between Taiwan and India. Finally, the researcher would base on the conclusions to bring up some specific suggestions for the educational administrator as some reference upon policy making.
Since the development of higher education evaluation system in Taiwan from 1975, it has accumulated lots of achievements. However, in the trend of popularization, marketization and internationalization of higher education, the assurance and enhancement of the quality of higher education should be seen as continuous work. In this research, the comparative object—India, as one of “BRICs,” which was named by Goldman Sachs with China, Russia, and Brazil, has a fast progress in economics in recent years. Except for its high achievement in economic development, india’s quality assurance mechanism of higher education is also confirmed in the world-wide, so it will be worth for Taiwan to inquiry and trace. In addition, both Taiwan and India have impacted on the rash extension in higher education, therefore there were generated the query of the quality of higher education. Consequently, this study would utilize document analysis and Bereday’s comparative method in education to compare the higher education evaluation system between Taiwan and India. Based on above, the purposes of this study are listed as follows: explore the content of higher education evaluation; explore the higher education evaluation model; 3. to explore the developmental process of the higher education evaluation system in Taiwan and India; explore the practice of the higher education evaluation system in Taiwan and India; compare the higher education evaluation model in Taiwan and India; 6. to induct the analysis outcome, make the conclusion and bring up some suggestions for the educational administrator as some reference upon policy making. In the process of study, the researcher use the development process (consists of development periods, the motive of the evaluation, the nature of the evaluation institution, and the evaluation types) and the practice situation (consists of evaluation institutions, evaluation types, evaluation purposes, evaluation content and criteria, evaluation procedure, and the manipulation and application of evaluation outcomes) as comparative points to explore the differences between Taiwan and India. Finally, the researcher would base on the conclusions to bring up some specific suggestions for the educational administrator as some reference upon policy making.
印度, 比較教育研究, 高等教育, 高等教育評鑑, India, comparative education studies, higher education, higher education evaluation