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本研究目的在探討國立高級中學知識管理與學校效能之現況,以及兩者間是否有顯著相關,本研究採用問卷調查法進行研究。經由相關文獻探討,本研究編製而成「國立高級中學知識管理與學校效能現況調查問卷」以作為蒐集實證資料之工具,經利用統計方法加以分析處理後,期能了解現況及變項間的各種關係。 本研究對象係以國立高級中學現職教育人員(包含校長、主任、組長、教師及職員)作為母群體進行研究,共發出問卷778份,其中有效樣本642份,可用率為82%。 茲將本研究結論分述如下: 一、整體而言,國立高級中學學校知識管理現況屬「良好」的表現,其中以「知識的選取」向度得分最高,「知識的儲存」向度得分最低。 二、整體而言,國立高級中學學校效能現況屬「良好」的表現,其中以「學校行政管理績效」向度得分最高,「教師專業服務品質」向度得分最低。 三、不同性別、年齡、服務年資、職務之教育人員知覺整體學校知識管理推展上有顯著差異。 四、不同教育程度、學校規模、學校歷史、學校所在地之教育人員知覺整體學校知識管理推展上均無顯著差異。 五、不同性別、年齡、服務年資、職務之教育人員知覺整體學校效能推展上有顯著差異。 六、不同教育程度、學校規模、學校歷史、學校所在地之教育人員知覺整體學校效能推展上均無顯著差異。 七、國立高級中學學校知識管理與整體學校效能間具有「高度正相關」。 八、國立高級中學「學校知識管理」各向度對「學校效能」整體而言,最具預測力的是「知識的分享」。
This study focuses on investing the current development of knowledge management and school effectiveness in national senior high schools. The relationship between knowledge management and school effectiveness will be examined. Data were collected using a well-organized instrument, “the related questionnaire in knowledge management and school effectiveness of National Senior High Schools”. In conjunction with literature review, statistical methods are utilized to analyze the data and explore the relationship between variables under study, the development of knowledge management, and school effectiveness within the scope of national senior high schools. Several conclusions are drawn from the result of analysis. They are shown as follows: 1.Generally speaking, national senior high schools are rated as “Fine” in knowledge management with highest score in the dimension of “knowledge acquiring” and lowest score in the dimension of “knowledge storage”. 2.In sum, national senior high schools are rated as “Fine” in school effectiveness with highest score in the dimension of “effectiveness of school administration and management” and lowest score in the dimension of “Teacher’s quality of professional service”. 3.There is a significant differential effect of the awareness of knowledge management among groups of school members across their sex, age, teaching years, and hierarchy levels. 4.There is no significant differential effect of the awareness of knowledge management among groups of schools for school size, school districts, years of school history, and school staffs’ education levels. 5.There is a significant differential effect of the awareness of school effectiveness among groups of school members across their sex, age, teaching years, and hierarchy levels. 6.There is no significant differential effect of the awareness of school effectiveness among groups within schools for school size, school districts, years of school history, and school staffs’ education levels. 7.In national senior high schools, the performance of knowledge management is highly positively related to the school effectiveness. 8.Among all dimensions of knowledge management, the construct of knowledge sharing is the most significant predictor for school effectiveness.



學校知識管理, 學校效能, Knowledge management, School effectiveness





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