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  古箏兼具傳統與創新的特色,風貌多變,因此筆者以此為主題來進行研究。而樂器的改革源自當代社經文化的需求,在藉由探討古箏的沿革、技法及定絃的過程中,可以更加了解其特性,以便運用於箏曲創作。接著再行分析臺灣當代作曲家箏樂作品,藉著探索老師們的作品,將各個手法轉化成自我音樂語言,並先後完成了三首樂曲,將本研究理論落實於古箏創作之中。 本論文共五個章節: 第一章「序論」,包含研究動機與目的,研究流程與論文架構。 第二章「古箏概述」,簡介古箏的沿革、技法與定絃。 第三章「臺灣當代作曲家箏樂作品分析」,藉由分析盧炎老師的《尋幽曲Ⅰ》,錢善華老師的《系列Ⅳ-箏》,以及呂文慈老師的《葵花地》,將其創作思維內化成自我音樂語言。 第四章「古箏於自我音樂創作之運用」,綜合本研究論述完成三首不同編制的箏曲。 第五章「結論」,為本研究做出論點整理,以作為日後創作依循。
Zheng, also known as Guzheng, is a traditional music instrument, and, yet, capable of producing new sounds with widely varying styles of music. Therefore, the author adopted it as the research theme of this thesis study. Improvement of this music instrument was driven by social and cultural needs of each era. Better understanding of its characteristics was achieved through investigation of the instrument evolution, technique development and the scale system. Such understandings may be applied to the composition of Zheng music. Subsequently, the author analyzed the Zheng music of contemporary Taiwanese composers. Through research on music teachers’ works, the author was able to transform the learned techniques into author’s own music expressions. Using these elements, the author composed three Zheng music pieces as a demonstration of her transforming theoretical studies into creation of new Zheng music. This thesis comprises five chapters: Chapter 1 is the “Introduction,” which presents the motivation and purpose of this study as well as the sequence of the study and the structure of the thesis. Chapter 2 is the “History of Zheng,” which describes the evolution of the instrument, the playing techniques and its scale system. Chapter 3 is the “Analysis of Zheng Music by Contemporary Taiwanese Composers,” which allows the author to transform music phrases of other composers into music expressions of the author’s own. Chapter 4 is the “Composition of New Music for Zheng, by author” which presents the three compositions for Zheng ensembles of different sizes. Chapter 5 is the “Conclusions,” which summarizes the important findings of this study that may serve as the guidelines for future compositions.



古箏, 盧炎, 錢善華, 呂文慈, 創作, Zheng, Yan Lu, Shan-Hua Chien, Wen-Tze Lu, Composition





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