

摘要 本研究透過文獻探討和問卷調查,探討我國師範校院目前的現況、困境、轉型可採行的策略、具體作法、步驟以及配套措施,並根據研究發現與結論,提出建議,以供相關機構及人員參考。此外,本研究的研究對象為我國師範校院的校長、副校長及各學院的教師以及教育行政機關人員,共計發出212份問卷,實得有效樣本132份,問卷處理採用SPSS for Windows統計套裝軟體進行統計分析。 綜合文獻分析、問卷調查,得到以下結論 一、師範學院在推動轉型之實質運作上定位係以「教育大學」的實質運作定位為最高。 二、師範學院推動轉型後行政運作現況 (一)師範學院推動轉型後,在行政組織和流程上最需進行調整與重新規劃的層面為「系所或學院調整(例如:增設、裁併)」。 (二)師範學院推動轉型後,在資源方面需求最需要的層面為「人力資源需求」。 (三)師範學院推動轉型後,在經費需求最需要的項目為「研究經費」。 (四)師範學院推動轉型後,學校轉型所需經費最主要來源為「教育部補助款」。 三、師範學院推動轉型後教務運作現況 (一)師範學院推動轉型後,目前教學方面的改進情形係以「新聘教師需具備博士學位」方面最為顯著。 (二)師範學院推動轉型後,學校在學術研究方面的表現與轉型前相較而言,以「更致力於學術論文期刊的發表」最為顯著。 (三)師範學院推動轉型後,目前提升校內教授學術表現策略係以「鼓勵教師在國內外期刊發表論文」之策略最常被使用。 (四)師範學院推動轉型後,目前關於學生學習課程規劃係以「推動跨學系課程」為最先規劃之方向。 (五)師範學院推動轉型後,在學生學習活動規劃上,係以「鼓勵學生從事學術研究活動」為優先。 (六)師範學院推動轉型後,在關於學生未來進路的看法上,係以「在教學市場的競爭力和轉型前相差不大」居多 (七)師範學院推動轉型後,在考慮增設何種非師資培育科系或學程中,係以「外國語文相關系所/學程」被認為應最先增設之學程/系所。 四、師範學院推動轉型後所面臨的困境以「學校經費不足」為最大困境。 五、師範學院推動轉型後所面臨的教務運作困境以「非師資培育課程師資不足」和「部份教師專長無法因應學校轉型後開設課程之所需」為最大困境。 六、師範學院推動轉型之轉型策略以「教育大學」獲得最多支持。 七、師範學院推動轉型未來可行發展方向以「成為地方教師進修中心」獲得最多支持。 最後,根據上述結論,分別對教育大學、教育行政機關,以及未來研究提出建議。
Abstract The study adopts literature review and questionnaire investigation methods to probed into the current situation, difficulties, transformation strategies, concrete methods, procedure and supplementary measures of Teacher colleges, and offer some suggestions to the people who will apply it. Besides, the subjects of this study are the president, the vice-president, the professors of Teacher colleges, and educational authorities (, and elhi people). The total questionnaires of 212 are dispatched, and the effective samples acquired are132 copies. These data are analyzed by means of SPSS 10.0. Conclusions: 1.The orientation of essential operations as Teacher College impelling transformation is based on that of 「university of education」with highest priority. 2.Administration operation status of Teacher College after impelling transformation (1)「Adjustment of department or college」, ex. extension, closure or absorption, is the most needed aspect of administration organization and procedures after Teacher College impelling transformation. (2)「Human resource」 is the most needed aspect of resource after Teacher College impelling transformation. (3)「Research fund」 is the most needed aspect of fund demand after Teacher College impelling transformation. (4)「Accessorial fund from Ministry of Education」 is the main money resource of college transformation after Teacher College impelling transformation. 3.Educational administration operation status of Teacher College after impelling transformation (1)After impelling transformation, 「new retain teacher must have doctor degree」 is the most significant improvement in the teaching aspect. (2)After impelling transformation, 「paying more attend to publish academic paper」 is the most significant performance of colleges in academic researching aspect. (3)After impelling transformation, 「encouraging teachers to publish internal and offshore paper」 is the strategy been adopt mostly to advance academic performance of professors in colleges. (4)After impelling transformation, 「animating striding college courses」is the first orientation about student learning course formulation. (5)After impelling transformation, 「encourage students to participate academic reaching activities」 is precedence on students learning formulation. (6)After impelling transformation, 「slightly difference on teaching competitiveness before and after transformation」 is the opinion of most students about the future development. (7)After impelling transformation,「foreign language correlative department/course」 are considered as the first department/course that should be extended for not teacher culture department and course. 4.「Insufficient fund」is the most difficulty that Teacher College has to face after impelling transformation. 5.「Insufficient teachers for not teacher culture courses」 and 「some teacher’s specialties are not capable to meet the need of courses after college transformation」 are the major difficulties of educational administration operation after Teacher College impelling transformation. 6.「University of education」 acquires the most support among the strategy of Teacher College transformation. 7.「Being the further education center for local teachers」 is the future development of Teacher College transformation. Finally, according to the conclusions, this study offers suggestions for teachers, administrative officials, and the relevant researches in the future. Keyword : teacher college, university of education, transformation



師範學院, 教育大學, 轉型, teacher college, university of education, transformation





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