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本研究目的在探討僑生來臺就學動機及學校生活適應情形,採用質性研究方法深度訪談40位國立臺灣師範大學僑生先修部學生及校友,依據訪談內容分析及歸納出研究結果,發現僑生來臺升讀大學的動機包括臺灣高品質的教育、平價的學費、良好的生活機能、親切友善的人民、優越的打工條件以及壓力較僑居地小等因素。由於僑生具有華人的身份,基於對中華文化的認同、父母親的鼓勵以及在臺有親人照顧,都是僑生從身份延伸出的來臺就學拉力。 另外,就讀選擇個案學校的考量主要有三項,第一為自認中文程度不佳,想先奠定學習中文再升讀大學;第二是因為臺灣的課業進度超前於僑居地,希望先加強基礎學科,才能順利與大學學業接軌;第三則是個案學校學生僅須依校內成績排名填寫志願分發大學,也就是不必和校外僑生一起競爭,因此分發至理想校系的機率較高,這一點是個案學生最重視的因素,也是其他入學方式無可取代的地方。 僑生在學校生活適應的問題為飲食習慣不同、中文比想像中困難、學業跟不上進度、住宿生活摩擦多以及原有的社會支持系統無法發揮作用。就因應策略部份,若有學習的問題會藉由自身的努力去改善,如面臨生活上的壓力及困擾則會尋求專責導師的協助。 最後,依據研究結果進一步提出具體建議,以供個案學校、僑輔人員、未來研究者及相關單參考。
The purpose of this study is to explore overseas Chinese students’ motivation for studying in Taiwan and adaption to campus life. The qualitative research method is used to conduct in-depth interviews with 40 students and alumni of Division of Preparatory Programs for Overseas Chinese Students, National Taiwan Normal University. After analyzing the interview content. the study found that the motivation for overseas Chinese students to study in Taiwan includes Taiwan's high-quality education, affordable tuition, good living functions, friendly locals, superior working conditions and comfortable living environment. An overseas Chinese student refers to a former Chinese citizen who has obtained foreign citizenship, or the offspring of present or former Chinese citizens. They consider returning Taiwan for study based on the recognition of Chinese culture, parents’ encouragement and the relatives in Taiwan. The identity is also one of the pull factors influencing Overseas Chinese Students choosing education destination. In addition, there are three important considerations when overseas Chinese students choose to study at case school. Firstly, the students expect to polish up their Mandarin. The second reason is that they hope to enhance their academic achievement in fundamental subjects before going to universities. Last but not least, the case school students have fewer competitors when applying for universities. The main stressors for case school students are dietary habits, Chinese language ability, learning performance, roommate relationship and the social support system. Regarding the coping strategies, if the case school students have difficulties in learning, they usually study harder to improve their performance. However, when the case school students are faced with any of life's problems, they tend to seek the assistance from Student Advisor to tackle them. Finally, further specific recommendations are made for the case school, overseas Chinese student counselors, future researchers and related educational authorities.



僑生, 臺師大僑生先修部, 來臺就學動機, 學校生活適應, 專責導師, Overseas Chinese Students, Division of Preparatory Programs for Overseas Chinese Students, Motivation for Studying in Taiwan, Campus Life Adaption, Student Advisor, National Taiwan Normal University





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