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本研究旨在研發一套運用議題中心教學法將全球議題融入國民小學高年級社會學習領域的國際教育課程方案,並透過教學實踐提升學生對全球議題的關注及理解。以研究者任教之臺北市公立小學的兩個六年級班級為研究場域,研究參與者共58位學生,於106學年度上學期進行長達21週的課程實踐。   本研究採取行動研究法進行三個階段的課程研發,運用觀察與文件分析等方法蒐集資料。歸納結論如下: 一、以概念理解、議題探究、行動增能為主要核心目標,研發聚焦於「食安你我他」、「呼叫WHO」、「人權小尖兵」與「藍天不再」等四個全球議題之國際教育課程方案。   二、轉化、運用議題中心教學法中的做決定模式、探究教學模式及結構性爭論模式進行教學,實踐以全球議題為核心的國際教育課程方案能提升學生對國際重要議題的理解,培養持續探究的興趣,蓄積未來採取行動的能量。   三、藉由持續進行規劃、行動、省思、修正的循環式歷程,分課程研發、理論轉化、行動增能與支援系統等四大面向分別描述研究者遭遇的困境,同時也嘗試提出因應策略,期能拉近學術理論與教學實務之間的差距。   最後,針對國際教育課程方案研發歷程涉及的教學目標研議、學習任務編排、教學方法運用、學習成效評估等面向提出建議,以期能提供未來有志從事國際教育教學者、研究者之可行方向與建議。
The purposes of this study are to develop a curriculum program integrated with issues-centered approach and global issues of international education in social studies class of the elementary school, and to investigate the students’ learning performance. This program aimed to guide students to understand the concepts of global issues, to explore the issues in order to raise their awareness, and to nurture their ability to take action. This study applied action research to 58 students in two sixth-grade classes of an elementary school in Taipei City. The program focusing on global issues lasted for 21 weeks. This curriculum project progressively explored the four important global issues such as food safety, health, human right, and air pollution through sympathetic understanding, cognitive thinking and social action to enhance students’ ability. Besides, the objective of international education was achieved in the curriculum by using the issues-centered approach that combines decision-making model, Massialas and Cox inquiry model and structured controversy model. During the author’s teaching process, qualitative methods of data collection such as participatory observation, feedback and document analysis were applied to understand the effectiveness of the program. To be noted that the researcher analyzed the difficulties in respect of curriculum development, adaptation of the theory, enhancement of ability to practice and supportive system. As a result, solutions regarding of educational objectives related to international education curriculum, arrangement of learning tasks, teaching practice, and evaluation of students’ learning performance were suggested to decrease the gap between theory and practice. For example, the teaching models should be more flexible to respond to issues nature and students’ learning styles. According to the conclusions and reflections obtained through the practice of the curriculum, the study may provide the specific recommendations to the elementary school teachers for the international education or to researchers for the future research direction and reference.



國際教育, 全球議題, 社會學習領域, 議題中心教學法, international education, global issues, social studies, issues-centered approach





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