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亞歷山大.斯卡拉第 (Pietro Alessandro Gaspare Scarlatti, 1660-1725)與弗朗茲.李斯特(Franz Liszt, 1811-1886)分別為巴洛克時期與浪漫時期的最具代表性作曲家之一。筆者研究亞歷山大.斯卡拉第的《大鍵琴八度觸技曲》的(Toccata Per Cembalo D’ Ottava Sesta, 1723),與李斯特的《西班牙狂想曲》(Rhapsodie Espagnole, S. 254, 1867),兩首皆以佛利亞舞曲(La Folia)為題材的鍵盤作品,各自於不同曲類,分別為觸技曲(Toccata)與狂想曲(Rhapsodie)中,筆者將兩首作品所運用到佛利亞舞曲之作曲手法分析並且作統整。本研究所探討亞歷山大.斯卡拉第《大鍵琴八度觸技曲》以及李斯特《西班牙狂想曲》,共為六章。第一章緒論,包含研究動機與目的、研究範圍和方法;第二章介紹佛利亞舞曲的起源與以此舞曲為題材的器樂曲;第三章探討亞歷山大.斯卡拉第的生平與音樂風格與《大鍵琴八度觸技曲》之創作背景與樂曲分析;第四章探討李斯特的生平與音樂風格與《西班牙狂想曲》之創作背景與樂曲分析;第五章藉由分析樂曲後得到的音樂詮釋,分別以兩首作品與佛利亞原曲之關係作為切入,統整並比較兩首樂曲之寫作技法與樂曲詮釋;第六章結論,為筆者的研究心得總結。
Pietro Alessandro Gaspare Scarlatti(1660-1725)and Franz Liszt(1811-1886)were regard as renowned composers in Baroque and Romantic period. Alessandro Scarlatti’ s Toccata Per Cembalo D’ Ottava Sesta(1723)and Franz Liszt’ s Rhapsodie Espagnole S. 254(1867)are both keyboard works specifically with Folia theme in the music, Alessandro Scarlatti is Toccata, Franz Liszt is Rhapsody. My research in this thesis include the thourough study of the Folia theme, the application of Folia theme in Alessandro Scarlatti’ s Toccata Per Cembalo D’ Ottava Sesta and Franz Liszt’ s Rhapsodie Espagnole S. 254, and the special study of compositional devices and interpretation in the above two works.My research of Alessandro Scarlatti’ s Toccata Per Cembalo D’ Ottava Sesta and Franz Liszt’ s Rhapsodie Espagnole S. 254 is divided into six chapters. First, the general introduction of research motivation, purpose, methods and scope. Second, introducing the origin of Folia theme in instrumental music. Third, the biographical background, the relative music style of Alessandro Scarlatti, and the background information and analysis of his Toccata Per Cembalo D’ Ottava Sesta. Fourth, the biographical background, works and relative music style in each life period of Franz Liszt, and the background and analysis of his Rhapsodie Espagnole S. 254. Fifth, my perspective of both Alessandro Scarlatti’ s Toccata Per Cembalo D’ Ottava Sesta and Franz Liszt’ s Rhapsodie Espagnole S. 254, and the contrast of these two works with the original Folia. Last, the research conclusions.



亞歷山大.斯卡拉第, 大鍵琴八度觸技曲, 觸技曲, 法蘭茲.李斯特, 西班牙狂想曲, 狂想曲, 佛利亞舞曲, Pietro Alessandro Gaspare Scarlatti, Toccata Per Cembalo D’ Ottava Sesta, Franz Liszt, Rhapsodie Espagnole S. 254, Toccata, Rhapsodie, Folia





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