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來台外籍人士數逐年攀升,他們在台灣的適應是一個重要的問題。前人的調查研究幾乎只圍繞在校園生活、飲食、人際關係等,並沒有人針對外籍人士的醫療需求做出相關研究。然而,生活中舉凡語言治療、神經傷害、運動傷害、關節疼痛等等,為了增強和恢復身體功能的治療都屬於復健科的範疇。醫療華語較少著重於復健,華語教材中看病的內容甚少,更別說復健的內容了。在台外籍人士一樣會遇到這些生理疾病,此時如果他們的華語能力不足,很難獨自去看復健科,因此編寫出一專門針對復健的華語教材是有其必要的。故本文旨在針對來台外籍人士,設計出醫療復健華語教材。 本研究分為三大部分:第一,研究問題發想與文獻探討階段,回顧專業語言教學、第二語言教學法、真實材料以及教材編寫原則之相關文獻,並分析市面上易取得之四套教材,包含兩套綜合性教材與兩套醫療華語教材,整理出每一本的體材和編寫內容與特色,以作為復健教材設計參考。第二,訪問一位實際有復健看診需求的外籍留學生,以及一位現職的物理治療師,了解雙方在真實醫療場域上的真實樣貌,進而將其經驗納入教材編寫中。第三,遵循上述原則與框架,編寫出醫療復健華語教材。 本研究結果認為專業華語教材應該要採納真實材料,好處為這讓學習者真正使用目標語,會產生成就感,進而引發興趣。現有之醫療華語書籍可學習之優點為其內容涵蓋看病的各種情境,以及使用對話形式,呈現出各科別看診時會出現的對話。此外,書本大小則非常適合攜帶,輕巧不厚重。本研究設計之教材吸取了其優點後,順序也依照看病流程編寫,內容有篇章、對話、影片、語法模板、課堂練習、自我評量。
The number of foreign residents is increasing year by year in Taiwan. Adjustment difficulties of foreigners are underexplored when it comes to Chinese second language(CSL) teaching. Previous research focuses on campus life, food habits, interpersonal relationship, et cetera. Topics on the medical needs of foreigners can be barely found. However, they may need rehabilitation to get back, keep, or improve abilities that they need for daily life when they have health condition, including language disorders, nerve injury, workout injuries, joint pain, et cetera. It is hard to find CSL textbooks with rehabilitation topics, not even books with medical purpose. There are only a few medical topics in general CSL textbooks not to mention rehabilitation topics. If foreigners are at a low level of proficiency in Chinese, it is hard for them to visit the rehabilitation physicians alone. Therefore, it is necessary to design a teaching material for rehabilitation in CSL. Thus, this study aims to design a suitable Chinese material for foreignerts with the needs of rehabilitation. There are three parts of the study. Frist, the initial steps are writing research questions and literature review. The content involved in the literature review are language for specific purposes, second language teaching methods, authentic materials and the principles of writing materials. Furthermore, the study analyzes the teaching material based on four volumes of Chinese textbooks, including two general textbooks and two Chinese materials on medical purpose. Secondly, in order to understand the real conversations happened in the treatment clinic room, the author interviews one foreign student who has been currently visiting the rehabilitation physicians and one rehabilitation physician. By analyzing materials and interviewing related personnel, the author can adopt the advantages to design the teaching materials for rehabilitation. Thirdly, this article presents the examples regarding the previously mentioned principles. The results show that the materials on Chinese for specific purposes should use authentic materials in order to expose learners to the language as it is spoken in the real world. It can make the learning process even more engaging and motivating for students. Moreover, the major advantage of books on Chinese for specific purposes is that their contents cover any kind of situations in the healthcare facilities, using the conversation form. In addition, the size of the book should be protable. This rehabilitation material is designed with the patient flow in hospitals or clinics. The examples of teaching material contain articles, conversations, videos, sentence patterns, activities and self-assessments.



專業華語, 教材設計, 醫療華語, 溝通教學法, 真實材料, Chinese for specific purposes, Teaching materials design, Medical Chinese, Communicative language teaching, Authentic mateirals





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