

在漢語中,詞彙是組成句子的重要成分,所以假如學習者想用完整的句子來表達意義,就必須瞭解詞彙的詞類、用法等,並且知曉最常出現的詞彙及其與同根詞的區分,才能較正確快速地掌握用法。漢語詞彙有兼類的現象,而一個詞彙的主要詞類為何?其出現的頻率又有多高?漢語的構詞特性是同一核心字可出現在許多雙字複合詞中,而由核心字延伸出來的詞彙又有多少?同根詞族中哪些詞彙是學生迫切需要而教師須盡快教學的?這些都是詞彙教學的重大議題,也是本文的研究問題。 本文共分為六章,第一章是前言,敘述本文的研究動機、研究目的、研究假設和術語釋義。第二章是文獻探討,包括漢日同形詞、詞類、構詞等相關的研究文獻。第三章利用中央研究院平衡語料庫,配合詞頻表,挑選出36個同根詞並設計問卷,最後再整理研究對象華語教師10人及日籍學生30人所填寫之問卷結果。第四章針對問卷結果,對比了36個同根詞在師、生和語料庫之間的差異,並依照「詞類組成(form class)」的表格來分析其詞類,得出判斷詞類的原則。第五章為華語教學應用,整合語料庫、教材、HSK 詞彙大綱和詞頻表,篩選重要的教學詞彙並排列教學順序,再提出詞彙教學的教學模式及教學流程。第六章為結語。
In Chinese, the word is one of the important ingredients for composing sentences. To use a complete sentence to express the meaning, people must understand the lexical category and the usage of the word. Also, they must know the words which most frequently appear and its discrimination with the same root words. So, they can express the word meaning correctly with no difficulty. In Mandarin Chinese, there are words which can be assigned to more than one lexical category. The question is What the leading lexical category of a word is? How high is its frequency of occurrence? How many words are extended from the same stem? Which word do students need to learn urgently most and teacher have to teach first? These all are the significant issus in word teaching, and constistutes major research questions in my thesis. This article altogether was divided into six chapters. The first chapter is the foreword. I narrate the frame, research motive, research goal, research supposition, and terminology explanation of this article in this chapter. The second chapter is the literature discussion which includes Chinese-Japanese homograph, lexical category, and word construction.The third chapter is using Sinica Corpus, coordinating with word-frequency table, and picking up 36 same root word to form questionnaire. At last, reorganizing the result of questionnaire which be fill in by 10 Chinese teachers and 30 Japanese students. Chapter four is in view of the result, and contrasting the difference of 36 same root words in the way of teachers, students, and Sinica Corpus. Then according to "form class" form, to analyze lexical category and rules of word construction and to know the way of judging lexical category. Chapter five is Chinese teaching application. Teaching model and flow are integrated with Sinica Corpus, textbooks, HSK, and word-frequency table. Then sifting the important teaching words out and arranging teaching order. At last, proposing the suggestion of word teaching. Chapter six is conclusion: summarizing the findings of this article and figuring out the research limit, and providing the suggestion of the follow-up research subject.



雙字複合詞, 同根詞, 詞類, 詞彙教學, 漢語習得, disyllabic compound words, parts of speech, Lexical category, Japanese learners of Chinese, acquisition of vocabulary





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