成人與兒童圖畫書之文字分析比較 以及圖文理解、喜好與圖文搭配分析

dc.contributorI Binen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen RouHanen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究由研究一、研究二構成。研究一藉由4家圖書館蒐集成人與兒童圖畫書共6位創作者(幾米、紅膠囊、可樂王、李瑾倫、陳璐茜、賴馬)的50本圖畫書,就書籍文字內容部分,作出14大項的18種分類細項,再由研究者與另一位中文專業之協同研究者,依據這18細項分類,各自將50本圖畫書的文字內容歸類後,針對歧異點進一步深入討論,達到共識後再進行18項內容的歸類分析;另外就文學中的修辭法「借喻」與「反襯」手法運用情形作文字內容分析。結果發現成人圖畫書作者的創作文字內容部分最多是「負面情緒」,佔97%,次為「對現實無奈與不滿」與「成人特有的比喻」,皆佔94%,再來是「關於愛情」佔81%;而兒童圖畫書作者的創作文字內容多是「友情、人際關係」佔95%,次為「負面情緒」佔74%。在修辭法的運用情形,「借喻」方面成人圖畫書作者運用的很多,佔90%,而兒童圖畫書作者的比例卻只佔11%;「反襯」修辭在成人圖畫書作者佔了87%,而兒童圖畫書作者的比例卻只佔5%;說明了創作者在為兒童創作時,多為平鋪直述的表達,而為成人創作的作品,則多為文字中隱涵其他意思,且慣用相反的陳述,加深意念的表達。 研究二延續研究一,同樣以6位創作者的圖畫書作品作為刺激物,進行圖與文的施測與探討。在圖像方面,將6位創作者各5本圖文書創作中,各選出一幅圖像代表作品,分別對128位成人與兒童參與者進行圖像喜好與理解的施測;在文字方面,分別於三位成人圖畫書創作者的三本圖文書創作中,各選出一段文字代表,也對128位參與者進行文字喜好與理解的施測,且在圖像與文字方面,進一步做30幅圖像與9段文字的搭配。結果發現:就圖像喜好整體平均值而言:陳璐茜(M = 3.67)>可樂王(M = 3.66)>紅膠囊(M = 3.55)=李瑾倫(M = 3.55)>幾米(M = 3.50)>賴馬(M = 3.35),且6作者間有顯著的差異;以不同年齡來說,兒中(M = 3.87)>成中(M = 3.58)>兒高(M = 3.51)>成高(M = 3.20),4個年齡層間也有顯著的差異,而作者與年齡也有顯著的交互作用。就圖像理解整體平均值而言:李瑾倫(M = 2.27)>賴馬(M = 2.22)>陳璐茜(M = 2.00)>幾米(M = 1.86)>可樂王(M = 1.76)>紅膠囊(M = 1.64),且6作者間有顯著的差異;以不同年齡來說,兒中(M = 2.26)>兒高(M = 2.15)>成中(M = 1.77)>成高(M = 1.66),4個年齡層間有顯著的差異;而作者與年齡也有顯著的交互作用。就文字喜好整體平均值而言:幾米(M = 3.88)>紅膠囊(M = 3.77)>可樂王(M = 3.66),且三作者間有顯著的差異;以不同年齡來說,兒中(M = 4.20)>兒高(M = 3.75)>成中(M = 3.64)>成高(M = 3.46),4個年齡層間也有顯著的差異;而作者與年齡也有顯著的交互作用。就文字理解整體平均值而言:幾米(M = 1.71)>紅膠囊(M = 1.45)>可樂王(M = 1.02),且三作者間有顯著的差異;以不同年齡來說,成高(M = 1.63)>成中(M = 1.48)>兒高(M = 1.31)>兒中(M = 1.15),4個年齡層間也有顯著的差異。而就圖文搭配整體平均值而言:幾米(M = 2.15)>紅膠囊(M = 1.77)>可樂王(M = 1.35),且三作者間有顯著的差異,說明三位成人繪本作家的創作,讓參與者反應出的圖文連結程度有著很大的差別,且作者、性別、年齡三因子間達到顯著的交互作用。而圖像喜好與文字喜好普遍來說兒童高於成人,中年級兒童的喜好程度又最高,說明其審美先備知識基礎較為薄弱,故不吝於表現高度的喜好程度;兒童的圖像理解程度普遍高於成人,與研究假設大相逕庭,說明兒童閱圖時較成人更不受拘束,在圖像的世界中能更自由想像;而成人的文字理解程度皆高於兒童,圖像理解程度皆低於兒童的結果,與成人生長於較少影像媒體與圖像刺激的時代,且教學媒體、書籍多為單純文字的學習環境有直接相關。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis research has two parts. In the first research, the researcher collected fifty graphic books of six authors (three from each category), including Jimmy Liao, Mr. Red, King Cola, Chinlun Lee, Lucy Chen, and Laima, from four libraries. The researcher set up fourteen categories and eighteen subcategories. Working in coordination with a Chinese profession, the researcher categorized the content of collected books. In the case of contradictory, the researchers discussed the components until agreeing to put each in a same category. Afterwards, they analyzed how the authors used “metonymy” and “contrast” in their literature. According to the result, the literature in graphic books for adults mostly deals with “negative feelings (97%),” followed by “discontent with the reality (94%),” “simile meant for adults (94%),” and “feelings about love (81%).” As for children’s graphic books, the content mostly circles around “friendship or interpersonal relationships (95%),” followed by “negative feelings (74%).” Based on the analysis on the usage of figures of speech, “metonymy” are more used in books for adults (90%) than children (11%); “contrast” takes 87% in graphic books for adults but only 5% in children’s graphic books. It shows when writing for children, the authors mostly use direct expression; whereas when writing for adults, the words have other hidden meanings, sometimes with opposite statement to make the meanings deeper. The second research continues the first one, with the books of the same authors as stimulation, carrying out tests and discussions about graphic and literature. For the graphic, the researcher picked one representative work from each author and tested 128 adults and children for comprehension and appreciation. As for the literature, the researcher excerpted a representative paragraph from three authors (Lucy Chen, King Cola, and Mr. Red) composing for adults and also tested those participants for comprehension and appreciation. Lastly, the researcher tested their readers’ comprehension and appreciation toward the collocation of 30 pictures and 9 paragraphs. After the test, the researcher analyzed the feedback from the participants by calculating the average ranking for each test. The result of the second research are as follows. For overall appreciation towards the graphics, amongst 128 participants, the highest ranking goes to the work of Lucy Chen (M=3.67), followed by King Cola (M=3.66), Mr. Red and Chinlun Lee (M=3.55), Jimmy Liao (M=3.50), and Laima (M=3.35). There are significant main effect amongst six authors. When analyzed by age differences, the younger children gave higher ranking (M=3.87), followed by younger adults (M=3.58), older children (M=3.51), and older adults (M=3.20). There are also significant main effect amongst these four age groups and significant interaction between the authors and the age groups. For overall comprehension of the graphics, amongst 128 participants, the highest ranking goes to the work of Chinlun Lee (M=2.27), followed by Laima (M=2.22), Lucy Chen (M=2.00), Jimmy Liao (M=1.86), King Cola (M=1.76), and Mr. Red (M=1.64). There are significant main effect amongst six authors. When analyzed by age differences, the younger children gave higher ranking (M=2.26), followed by older children (M=2.15), younger adults (M=1.77), and older adults (M=1.66). There are also significant main effect amongst these four age groups and significant interaction between the authors and the age groups. For overall appreciation towards the literature, amongst 128 participants, the highest ranking goes to the work of Jimmy Liao (M=3.88), followed by Mr. Red (M=3.77), and King Cola (M=3.66). There are significant main effect amongst three authors. When analyzed by age differences, the younger children gave higher ranking (M=4.20), followed by older children (M=3.75), younger adults (M=3.64), and older adults (M=3.46). There are also significant main effect amongst these four age groups and significant interaction between the authors and the age groups. For overall comprehension of the literature, amongst 128 participants, the highest ranking goes to the work of Jimmy Liao (M=1.71), followed by Mr. Red (M=1.45), and King Cola (M=1.02). There are significant main effect amongst three authors. When analyzed by age differences, the older adults gave higher ranking (M=1.63), followed by younger adults (M=1.48), older children (M=1.31), and younger children (M=1.15). There are also significant main effect amongst these four age groups. Last, for collocation of graphics and literature, among 128 participants, the highest ranking goes to Jimmy Liao (M=2.15), followed by Mr. Red (M=1.77) and King Cola (M=1.35). There are significant main effect among three authors. The result indicates that participants revealed huge differences in linking graphics with literature. There are significant interaction amongst those three factor, which indicates the complexity of graphic-literature collocation among authors, sexualities, and ages. The data showed the children appreciated both graphics and literature more than adults. The fact that younger children appreciated them the most shows that the children had less procured art appreciation knowledge; as a result, they were willing to give higher ranking. Besides, in most cases, the children comprehended graphics more, which contradicted the hypothesis. This shows that children read with fewer constraints; they can imagine more freely. On the other hand, the fact that adults comprehended the literature more but the graphics less might be related to the fact that adults had grew up with less media and graphic stimulation and that their learning resources were mainly text-based.en_US
dc.subjectGraphic Booksen_US
dc.subjectComparison and Analysis on Literatureen_US
dc.subjectComprehension of Literature and Graphicen_US
dc.subjectAppreciation of Literature and Graphicen_US
dc.title成人與兒童圖畫書之文字分析比較 以及圖文理解、喜好與圖文搭配分析zh_TW
dc.titleComparison and Analysis on Literature Between Graphic Books for Adults and Children and Analysis on Comprehension and Appreciation of Literature and Graphic and on their Collocationen_US

