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1994年《師資培育法》的公布改變了過去師資培育政策的走向,由封閉轉向開放,由計畫制轉向儲備制,師範校院不再是專門的師資培育機構,一般大專校院也能依循相關規定設立教育學程,結果取得教師資格者數量大增,加上少子化趨勢的影響,導致許多準教師面臨謀求教職的困境,這些人即為大眾所熟知的「流浪教師」。 本研究旨在瞭解流浪教師於師資培育政策變革之後所面臨的困境,為了能更貼近他們的生命經驗,瞭解事件發生當時的社會環境和歷史脈絡,研究者採用敘事研究法來呈現八位流浪教師的生命故事,包括選擇教職的原因、師資養成的歷程、謀求教職的經歷,以及結構面因素對其在謀職過程中的影響。 整理與分析研究資料後,所得結果可歸納為四方面: 一、師資培育方面: 職業的穩定性、聲望地位與個人性別特質是影響選擇教職的重要原因,且個人對教師角色的評價與工作價值觀將影響任教意願,再者,師培生對師資職前教育課程的期待常在理想取向與功利取向間擺蕩。 二、謀求教職方面: 結構限制與個人選擇是流浪的主因,流浪期間準教師常同時扮演多重角色,並對教師甄選的公平性多持保留態度,且其在面對結構約制時並未展現能動性,偏向以消極方式調適與因應生涯阻礙。 三、個人與結構的衝突方面: 流浪教師面對的結構限制包括少子化、鎖缺政策、性別刻板印象、師院學歷、代理代課教師的特殊身分、不穩定的工作狀態及社會的輿論等,兩者間常有衝突與矛盾。 四、流浪教師與師資培育的再概念化方面: 流浪教師與儲備教師雖指涉相同對象,對師資培育的訴求卻各有不同,且流浪教師非全為失業人口,另外多元開放卻標準寬鬆的師資培育易造成人力資源浪費與證照貶值危機。 最後,根據研究結果,提出以下建議: 一、師資培育方面: 師資培育的改革不應如鐘擺,需有延續性及前瞻性的考量,且政府應建立師資供需機制,並以多元標準遴選師資培育學生,方能兼顧師資培育的質與量。 二、教師甄選與評鑑方面: 教師甄選制度在程序、內容、標準和成本上可有更完善的規劃,且就代理代課職缺與甄選所牽涉之政治酬庸與學校權力佈局的問題應特別留意,另外,學校若欲以教師評鑑來排除不適任教師,首需克服學校的人情文化。 三、解決流浪教師問題方面: 政府應妥善思考鎖缺政策與教師甄選名額的收與放,且準教師需提早為未來超額教師的問題作好心理準備,另外偏遠學校代理代課職缺常無人應聘,政府應設法提升該職缺的吸引力,準教師亦需改變謀職心態。
In 1994, the government issued an open teacher education policy which authorized the comprehensive universities to provide teacher education program. This policy has been regarded as a democratic turning point for teacher education because it has changed the several-decade-long monopoly of teacher colleges and normal universities in providing teacher education. However, due to the open teacher education policy on the one hand and low birth rates on the other, problem of serious imbalance in teacher demand and supply hits the teaching labor market in Taiwan. More and more qualified pre-service teachers have failed teacher selection exam and haven’t found teaching positions. They have become what we call “nomadic teachers”. To explore the predicament of eight nomadic teachers after the shift of teacher education policy, this study adopted the narrative inquiry as research method. The research focused on questions such as the reasons why they chose to be teachers, the process of becoming qualified teachers, the experience of job-searching, and the impacts of social structure that caused their career problems. The following conclusions emerged from the eight teachers’ life stories: 1. Occupational stability and prestige and gendercharacteristics influenced nomadic teachers’ career choice, and role identity and work values affected nomadic teachers’ willingness to teach. Furthermore, pre-service teachers had contradictory expectations toward teacher education courses. 2. Structure pressure and personal attitude were the key factors of failing to find a teacher job. Nomadic teachers played different roles at the same time, and when they faced career obstacles, they chose to adapt themselves to the structures instead of challenging them. 3. There were many structural factors influencing the job-searching of nomadic teachers, including low birth rates, lacking of teaching position vacancies, gender stereotype, diploma type, identity of substitute teachers, stereotype, etc. 4. The meaning of nomadic teachers and teacher education should be reconceptualized, including the difference between nomadic teachers and reserved teacher, the comparison of job-searching behavior of Involuntary and Voluntary Unemployed nomadic teachers, and the contradictions between dream and reality of open teacher education policy. Based on the findings, the following suggestions were proposed. First, the authorities should build up mechanism of teacher demand and supply. Second, teacher selection exam and teacher appraisal system should be deliberately examined. Third, it is important to pay more attention to substitute teacher selection exams of remote schools. Finally, the manipulation of teachers’ human resources should be considered, including surplus teachers and nomadic teachers.



流浪教師, 準教師, 師資培育, 敘事研究, nomadic teacher, pre-service teacher, teacher education, narrative inquiry





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