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本研究旨在探討身心障礙者家長的壓力經驗、調適壓力的復原因子,以及復原力對身心障礙者家長壓力調適之影響。本研究採用質性研究之「半結構式深度訪談法」,並以「立意取樣」之方式,挑選出4位孩子障礙類別及障礙程度不盡相同,但都有良好復原力量之家長進行深度訪談,由家長們復原歷程的生命故事,呈現與分析身心障礙者家長在養育孩子時的心路歷程與調適方式。研究結論如下: 一、身心障礙者家長在養育孩子的過程中易出現憤怒不平、憂鬱無助及心疼不捨等多種負向情緒。 二、身心障礙者家長在養育孩子的過程中易面臨教養照顧、工作生活轉變、手足子女心理調適及家庭經濟等壓力經驗。 三、成功調適壓力之身心障礙者家長具備多元之內外在復原因子,內在復原因子主要有心境轉變、保持人際互動、堅持不放棄、維持生活品質、提升特教知能及活在當下等六項;而外在復原因子則有加入支持性團體、家庭支持、宗教信仰及社會支持等四項。 四、復原力對身心障礙者家長之壓力調適具有正向思考、知足感恩、問題解決、圓融處事、適度放鬆、重視孩子優勢及勇於承擔等多元之正向影響。 依據本研究之結果,提出下列建議以供身心障礙者家長、特殊教育工作者參考,對身心障礙者家長的建議有:秉持活在當下的樂觀信念、加入身心障礙支持性團體、多進修與學習特教專業知能、主動尋求親友及宗教支持及維持家庭及自身的平衡。而對特殊教育工作者的建議則是:重視身心障礙者家長之壓力議題、多辦理身心障礙家長知能研習、提供多元特教資源與福利訊息、加強落實身心障礙學生轉銜與安置以及進修心理輔導與諮商專長。期望本研究能對身心障礙者家長具有參考依循之正面意義,並讓教育、社福相關單位更重視身心障礙者家長壓力及復原力等相關議題,提供良好的支持方案。
Our research is focused to explore the stress experience, adaptation of stress and resilience force of parents of the mentally or physically disabled. In this research we selected the semi-structured interview for qualitative research and used the purposive sampling method to select four different types and level of disabled kids with parents that have the well resilience ability to interview. By the content of the interview it expresses the mentality and adaptation which the parents gone through while raising their children allowing us to analyze. Research results are as follows: 1. Parents of disability tend to show more anger, gloominess, helpless and dismay such multiple negative expression. 2. Parents of disabled tend to have more stress when teaching and taking care of their child, encountering working environmental change , facing sibling’s children and family financial stress. 3. Parents of disabled which have more success in adapting to stress have multi external-resilience factors, mainly includes the following six inner-resilience factors; change of mind, maintain of interaction socialization, determined, maintain the level of living quality, improvement of special education information and living in the moment. External-resilience factors includes joining support groups, family support, religious support and social support. 4. Resilience factor is beneficial for parents of disabled to following multi positive effect; think positively, being grateful, resolving issues, being well-rounded, relax occasionally, value child’s advantage and willing to undertake. From our research, we offer parents of disabled the following advice; uphold living in the moment and staying positive; join groups or foundations that are supportive to disabled; learn more about the knowledge of professional special education ; seek support from relative, friend, and religion to maintain balance in family and oneself. Advice for people that are special education related employee: value stress related topic from parents of disabled; hold more special education related seminar for parents of disabled; provide multiple special education resource and welfare information; enhance implementation of disabled student for transfer and learn professionals such as consultants or psychological transduction. The goal of our research is to give parents of disabled a positive reference and to encourage education and welfare units to reflect the stress and resilience topic of parents of disabled in order to provide a well-supported program.



身心障礙者, 復原力, 壓力調適, people with disabilities, resilience, stress adaptation





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