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關係受害的普遍性、影響層面及可能產生的人際負向循環,對重視同儕關係的青少年實為不容忽視的現象。本研究之目的即為檢視關係受害與心理社會適應之關聯,並探討認知因素在兩者間所扮演的角色。本研究延伸前人之基礎,同時從負向情緒、自尊、拒絕敏感度著手,分析受害者常見之自責歸因以及實務工作者常運用之希望感的調節作用。 本研究採立意取樣,研究參與者來自臺灣8個縣市13所國中,有效問卷共861份(七年級204位、八年級473位、九年級184位)。研究工具使用「同儕受害經驗量表」、「正負向情緒量表」、「自尊量表」、「同儕拒絕敏感度量表」、「自責歸因量表」、「希望感量表」。研究發現:(1)關係受害對負向情緒、自尊、拒絕敏感度皆有顯著關聯與預測力;(2)希望感對於關係受害與自尊之關聯具有顯著調節作用;(3)自責歸因對於關係受害與心理社會適應之關聯則無顯著調節作用。研究結果顯示關係受害青少年可能與整體的不適應有關,而青少年工作者可嘗試運用希望感協助受害青少年。 關鍵字:自責歸因、自尊、希望感、拒絕敏感度、負向情緒、關係受害
Because of the prevalence, impacts, and the vicious circles of relational victimization, it is crucial to pay more attention to adolescent victims. The purpose of this study is to examine the associations between relational victimization and psychosocial adjustment and the moderating roles of self-blame attribution and hope in these associations. The participants were 861 students (204 7th-graders, 473 8th-graders and 184 9th-graders) from 13 junior-high schools at 8 counties. The measurement tools used in this study were Peer Victimization Scale, Positive and Negative Affect Scale, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Peer Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire, Self-Blame Attribution Questionnaire, and the Hope Scale. The findings of this study are: (1) There are significant associations between relational victimization and psychosocial adjustment (i.e., negative affect, self-esteem, and rejection sensitivity); (2) There is a significant moderating effect of hope in the association between relational victimization and self-esteem; and (3) Self-blame attribution is not a significant moderator in the associations between relational victimization and psychosocial adjustment. The results demonstrate that the experiences of relational victimization may be related to adolescents’ overall maladjustment, and increasing sense of hope could be a feasible way to buffer the victims’ maladjustment. KEYWORDS: hope, negative affect, rejection sensitivity, relational victimization, self-blame attribution, self-esteem



自責歸因, 自尊, 希望感, 拒絕敏感度, 負向情緒, 關係受害, hope, negative affect, rejection sensitivity, relational victimization, self-blame attribution, self-esteem





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