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2017年立法院通過促進轉型正義條例,2018年促進轉型正義委員會正式成立,白色恐怖為臺灣轉型正義處理的首要議題,2018年國家人權博物館正式揭牌,園區的過往緊緊扣連著白色恐怖時期的歷史,是公開歷史真相最佳的示範場所,亦是觀者接收人權教育的第一現場,屬於臺灣進行轉型正義的重要場所。 研究者以未經歷白色恐怖的年輕觀者作為訪談對象,了解年輕觀者是否能透過展示認識白色恐怖的歷史,以及觀者參觀後對於人權的看法為何。本研究主要以以田野調查法、文獻分析法以及訪談法作為主要的研究方法。 本研究發現景美園區以再現政治的方法與策略分成以下:一、見證的再現:從受難者口述歷史爬梳,白色恐怖時期的人權是有限的,需要政治正確才可以獲得;二、展示的再現:園區以常設展及特展方式呈現白色恐怖時期的物件,側重受難者的生活樣貌;三、現地的再現:以看守所時期的場所進行歷史場景的還原再現,企圖讓觀者感受被壓迫的情境;四、體驗的再現:園區藉展示補足觀者對於白色恐怖脈絡的不足,亦從園區場景還原讓觀者從視覺、聽覺及觸覺體驗到白色恐怖的肅穆氛圍,體驗後的觀者意識到人權並不是與生俱來,是許多前輩爭取而來的,且產出屬於自身特有的人權論述。研究最後發現人權的真實是被建構出來的,且隨著不同世代及社會價值的演變,人權會長出當時期特有的樣貌與意義,身為追求真相的博物館,亦需要不斷地尋求不同的人權真實,這是以人權為核心的博物館的積極意義。
In 2017, the Legislative Yuan passed the Regulations on Promoting Transitional Justice. In 2018, the Committee for Promoting Transitional Justice was formally established. White terror was the primary issue for transitional justice of Taiwan. In 2018, the National Museum of Human Rights was officially unveiled. The past of the park is closely linked to the history of the white terror period. It is the best demonstration site to disclose historical truth, and it is also the first site for visitors to receive the education of human rights. It is an important place for Taiwan to carry out transformational justice. The researchers used young viewers who had not experienced white terror as the interview subjects to find out whether young viewers could understand the history of white terror through the exhibition, and what their views on human rights after the visit. This research mainly takes field survey method, literature analysis method and interview method as the main research methods. This study found that Jing-Mei Park was divided into the following methods and strategies for politics of representation: 1. Representation of witness : From the oral history of the victims, human rights in the period of white terror were limited and needed political correctness to obtain; 2. Representation of exhibition : The park presents objects from the White Horror period in permanent exhibitions and special exhibitions, focusing on the life of the victims; 3. Representation of scene : The historical scene is restored and reproduced in the place of the detention center in an attempt to make the viewer feel oppressed 4. Representation of the experience: the park uses the display to supplement the viewer's lack of the white horror context, and also restores the scene from the park to allow the viewer to experience the solemn atmosphere of white horror from the visual, auditory and tactile senses, and the consciousness of the viewer after the experience Human rights are not inborn, they are obtained by many predecessors, and they produce their own unique human rights discourse. The study finally found that the truth of human rights is constructed, and with the evolution of different generationsand social values, human rights will take on the unique appearance and meaning of the period. As a museum pursuing truth, it also needs to constantly seek different human rights. True, this is the positive meaning of a museum with human rights at its core.



人權教育, 再現的人權, 再現政治, 年輕觀者, 白色恐怖景美紀念園區, Education of Human Rights, Human Rights of Representation, Politics of Representation, Young visitors, Jing-Mei White Terror Memorial Park





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