

「千百年來,台灣原住民和陸續移墾過來的平地漢人,始終沒有真實的相遇」;對於原住民文化沒有涉獵的大眾來說,往往忽略了原住民各族間有著文化上的差異。事實上,原住民不但族群種類眾多,且不同族群其文化特色也並不相同,不論先來後到者,都有其獨特而值得驕傲的文化特色,值得珍惜、保存與發揚。 期望藉此創作研究能對原住民各族文化中所蘊藏的元素,作有效提煉,作為文化創作的基礎,並得以推展原住民文化,讓社會大眾對各族有更深刻的了解,並珍惜原住民文化的保存,尊重不同族群的習俗與價值觀,進而帶來更多的研究,更多的良性互動。 實驗創作上,將所蒐集到的文獻資料彙整,運用歸納法及表列式,分析出各族的地理分布、社會組織、文化特質、重要祭典與各族色彩……等。透過平面設計的原理原則,並運用數位編排、數位影像處理軟體CorelDraw、Photoshop、Photoimpact、以海報設計的方式來呈現。
“For a thousand years,Taiwan’s aborigines and the plainspeople, who came later, did not really meet each other heart to heart.” For those who are unfamiliar with Taiwan’s aborigines, we often forget that every aboriginal tribe has its cultural uniqueness. That is, not only are there numerous aboriginal tribes, there are also numerous cultural differences among the tribes. Further more, no matter when the tribe came about, each has special cultural characteristics that deserve care, preservation, and continual development. It is then, in this spirit, this study hopes to find the essence of each aboriginal tribe, so as to form the foundation of new culturally inspired aerations, for the purpose of further development, preservation of aboriginal cultures, raising public awareness on Taiwan’s aborigines, and respecting each tribe’s unique practices and value systems additionally. It is the hope of this study that this will bring in further studies and more positive interactions among investigations. In detail for the experimental creation, the gathered cultural data will be organized, using conductive and inductive method, taking into account the geological locations, social structures, cultural uniqueness, important ceremonial practices, and special uses of colors of each aboriginal tribe. Then, the results will be presented as posters, utilizing illustration principals and digital photo processing software such as CorelDraw, Photoshop, and Photo Impact.



台灣原住民, 文化, 設計, Taiwan’s aborigines, cultural, design





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