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本研究旨在探討高中職生創意自我效能與自我調整學習之影響,並考驗創造性自我調節與情緒調節在創意自我效能與自我調整學習間的序列中介效果。研究方法採問卷調查法,以臺灣地區第112學年度的在學高中學生為研究對象,便利抽樣4 所高中職,共11個班級,總計159名學生。本研究以「創造性自我調節量表」、「情緒調節量表」、「創意自我效能量表」與「自我調整學習量表」為研究工具,以皮爾森相關、階層迴歸進行資料分析,本研究結果與發現如下:一、傾向使用創意自我效能的國中生,自我調整學習越佳。二、創造性自我調節與情緒調節在創意自我效能與自我調整學習有序列中介的效果:傾向使用創意自我效能的高中職生,會透過增加其創造性自我調節,以及情緒調節的程度,進而提升自我調整學習能力。最後,本研究根據上述研究結果,針對後續研究與學校教育實務工作提出建議。
The study aims to explore the influence of creative self-efficacy and self-regulated learning among senior high school students and examines the sequential mediating effects of creative self-regulation and emotional regulation between creative self-efficacy and self-regulated learning. The research employed a quantitative survey method, targeting senior high school students from the academic year 112. Using purposive sampling, four senior high schools with a total of 11 classes and 159 senior high school students were selected as participants. The research utilized the"Creative Self-Regulation Scale (CSRS)," "Emotion Regulation Scale," "Creative Self-Efficacy Scale," and "Self-Regulated Learning Scale" as research tools. Pearson correlation and hierarchical regression were used for data analysis. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. Junior high school students who tend to use creative self-efficacy exhibit better self-regulated learning. 2.Creative self-regulation and emotional regulation serve as sequential mediators between creative self-efficacy and self-regulated learning:Senior high school students with a tendency to use creative self-efficacy enhance their self-regulated learning abilities through increasing their levels of creative self-regulation and emotional regulation.Based on the aforementioned results, the researcher will provide more specific suggestions for school counseling work and educational practices and will organize related discussions in the chapter of research discussion and recommendations.
The study aims to explore the influence of creative self-efficacy and self-regulated learning among senior high school students and examines the sequential mediating effects of creative self-regulation and emotional regulation between creative self-efficacy and self-regulated learning. The research employed a quantitative survey method, targeting senior high school students from the academic year 112. Using purposive sampling, four senior high schools with a total of 11 classes and 159 senior high school students were selected as participants. The research utilized the"Creative Self-Regulation Scale (CSRS)," "Emotion Regulation Scale," "Creative Self-Efficacy Scale," and "Self-Regulated Learning Scale" as research tools. Pearson correlation and hierarchical regression were used for data analysis. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. Junior high school students who tend to use creative self-efficacy exhibit better self-regulated learning. 2.Creative self-regulation and emotional regulation serve as sequential mediators between creative self-efficacy and self-regulated learning:Senior high school students with a tendency to use creative self-efficacy enhance their self-regulated learning abilities through increasing their levels of creative self-regulation and emotional regulation.Based on the aforementioned results, the researcher will provide more specific suggestions for school counseling work and educational practices and will organize related discussions in the chapter of research discussion and recommendations.
創意自我效能, 自我調整學習, 創造性自我調節, 情緒調節, creative self-efficacy, self-regulation learning, creative self-regulation, emotion regulation