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《阿帕拉契之春》(Appalachian Spring)於1944年問世,為艾倫.柯普蘭(Aaron Copland, 1900-1990)受庫立吉夫人(Elizabeth Coolidge, 1864-1953)邀約於美國國會圖書館(Library of Congress)演出之委託創作,本作原為芭蕾舞劇,舞蹈由瑪莎.葛萊姆(Martha Graham, 1894-1991)設計,初次演出即受到肯定,奠定了往後柯普蘭在美國本土作曲家之地位。
《阿帕拉契之春》共由八段組曲組成,內容描述前往賓州開墾的人們,包括傳教士、新婚夫婦、拓荒者,眾人分別面對新土地的未知、新婚的喜樂以及初為人妻的複雜情緒,藉由組曲間誇張的表情轉換,生動地描繪眾人的心境變化。《阿帕拉契之春》首演為十三件樂器版本,在收到各界佳評以及獲得普立茲獎(Pulitzer Prize for Music, 1945)的肯定後,柯普蘭將其改編成管弦樂版本。
Abstract The Appalachian Spring, composed by Aaron Copland (1900-1990) in 1944, was commissioned by Elizabeth Coolidge (1864-1953) and premiered on Monday, October 30, 1944 at the Library of Congress with the choreography by Martha Graham (1894-1991). This work was a great success and established Copland as an important American composer of his time. Appalachian Spring, comprised of eight sections, describes a group of people, including a preacher, a bride, and a pioneer woman in Pennsylvania. Through vivid musical expression and intensity, the composer depicts a variety of human emotions. This piece was originally composed for thirteen instruments and later reorchestrated to a full orchestral piece, after Copland won the Pulitzer Prize in 1945. Based on the research of the composer and the historical background during his time, this thesis covers the conducting technique and musical interpretation. Through practical rehearsals and performance, the researcher wishes to share a deeper and complete understandings of this work. Keywords: Aaron Copland, Appalachian Spring, conducting interpretation
Abstract The Appalachian Spring, composed by Aaron Copland (1900-1990) in 1944, was commissioned by Elizabeth Coolidge (1864-1953) and premiered on Monday, October 30, 1944 at the Library of Congress with the choreography by Martha Graham (1894-1991). This work was a great success and established Copland as an important American composer of his time. Appalachian Spring, comprised of eight sections, describes a group of people, including a preacher, a bride, and a pioneer woman in Pennsylvania. Through vivid musical expression and intensity, the composer depicts a variety of human emotions. This piece was originally composed for thirteen instruments and later reorchestrated to a full orchestral piece, after Copland won the Pulitzer Prize in 1945. Based on the research of the composer and the historical background during his time, this thesis covers the conducting technique and musical interpretation. Through practical rehearsals and performance, the researcher wishes to share a deeper and complete understandings of this work. Keywords: Aaron Copland, Appalachian Spring, conducting interpretation
柯普蘭, 阿帕拉契之春, 指揮詮釋, Aaron Copland, Appalachian Spring, conducting interpretation