

近年來,面對知識經濟的新產業型態,知識的快速膨脹,使地方教育行政機關亦興起了知識管理的組織革新活動。本研究是以個案研究的方式,希冀藉由個案教育局知識管理團隊的經驗,暸解政府機關知識管理團隊的團隊運作現況,以及其如何推動「知識管理」,並探究其推動過程有何限制。本文主要採「質化研究途徑」,在資料分析方法上則以個案研究法及深度訪談法進行資料的蒐集與分析,透過訪談及文件分析取得實徵資料後,歸納出個案教育局知識管理團隊的運作現況、推動知識管理的歷程、各個階段的工作重點以及所面臨的問題,並提出建議俾使欲推動之知識管理團隊能掌握推動「知識管理」成功之鑰。本研究發現,個案教育局知識管理團隊係為一任務型的正式團隊,團隊的運作過程中,周邊團隊缺乏整合、專案人員與技術人員無法獲致共識、決策者參與團隊討論時間有限以及團隊職務並非專任等,係其所面臨的主要問題。此外,個案教育局知識管理的推動歷程可畫分為六個階段,分別為:先導階段、策略規劃階段、系統設計階段、原型開發與設計階段、導入階段以及系統評估與維護階段,而各個階段皆有其推動的重點以及面臨的問題。 綜合言之,本研究根據實徵資料獲致下述的結論: 一、知識管理推動過程呈現階段性步驟 二、領導者的支持是知識管理的重要促動因素 三、組織既有結構、文化與激勵制度尚未具備知識管理推動之有利因素 四、組織成員缺乏知識管理知能和相關教育訓練 五、知識管理系統未兼顧組織中不同層級使用者的需求 六、知識管理團隊為整合不同角色之任務型工作團隊 七、知識管理團隊尚待轉型為專責單位 基於上述的結論,本研究提出對知識管理團隊領導者、地方教育行政機關以及後續研究的建議: 一、 對知識管理團隊領導者的建議 (一)訂定明確的知識管理目標與階段步驟 (二)強力支持落實知識管理 二、 對地方教育行政機關的建議 (一)形塑組織知識學習與分享的文化 (二)提供教育訓練 (三)成立專責的知識管理團隊 三、對後續相關研究方面 (一)本研究是以質性研究的方式進行個案的研究,後續應可在不同地方教育行政機關中之知識管理團隊,再做實證性的量化研究。 (二)學校與地方教育行政機關知識管理團隊之運作以及其知識管理推動歷程之比較分析,應也是極有趣的主題。 (三)地方教育行政機關知識管理成效的評估,應可作後續探討。
In recent years, the new industry type attitude in the face of the knowledge economy, the fast inflation of knowledge, make the local educational administrative organ also rise in the improvement of the organization of knowledge management. This research hopes to use the experience of the knowledge management group of bureau of education of the case by way of case study, understand the group operation present situations of the knowledge management groups of government bodies , how and its promotes ' knowledge management ', and probe into it and promote course to have any restrictions . This text adopt ' qualitative research ' , carry on collection of materials and analyze with law , law of case study and interview of depth at materials analytical method mainly, after analyzing and obtaining through visiting and referring to the file that seeks the materials in fact, sum up operation present situation , course , the focal points of work of each stages and problem faced of promoting knowledge management of the knowledge management group of bureau of education of the case, and propose the suggestion in order to enable the knowledge management group wanted to promote to grasp and promote the key to succeed to ' knowledge management '. Originally discover that the knowledge management group of bureau of education in this case is a formal group of a task type, in the operation course of the group, peripheral group lack combine, special project between personnel and unable to obtain common understanding, policymaker participate in group discuss time limited group post getting private technical staff, it is a subject matter faced by it. In addition, the push course of knowledge management of bureau of education in this case can be drawn and is divided into six stages, including: plan stage, system design phase at guide stage, tactics, the prototype is developed with design phase, channel into stage and system and assess and maintain stage, and all there are its focal point and problem faced promoted in each stages. It is comprehensive speech, last following conclusion according to lasting materials in fact this research: 1. Knowledge management promotes the course to present the phased step. 2. Leader's support is the important motivation factor of knowledge management. 3. The organization has already had framework, culture and incentive system that have not possessed the favorable factor promoted in knowledge management yet. 4. The member lacks knowledge management ability and relevant education and training. 5. Different level users' demand is not given consideration by the organizing of knowledge administrative system. 6. The knowledge management group is a task-teamwork which combines different roles. 7. The knowledge management group waits to make the transition in order to specialize in the unit



地方教育行政機關, 知識管理, 知識管理團隊, the local educational administrative organization, knowledge management, the knowledge management group





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