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目的:探討相同震動刺激強度下,高頻率低振幅 (32 Hz, 1 mm)、低頻率高振幅 (18 Hz, 3 mm) 對運動表現之影響。方法:本實驗招收50位有運動習慣之大學生,透過動作分析系統、測力板及表面肌電儀擷取八周訓練前後,閉眼單足平衡及連續三次垂直跳之動作表現,並比較不同訓練方式的影響。本研究使用二因子混合設計進行統計分析,顯著水準定為α = .05。結果:經過八周高頻率低振幅震動訓練後,在平衡方面可增加肌肉平均收縮之頻率,降低股四頭肌的收縮,增加壓力中心 (Center of pressure; CoP) 之移動速度,減少CoP之移動面積;在跳躍表現上可提升主動及被動跳躍之跳躍高度,增加肌肉之平均功率頻率,減少股四頭肌在離心及向心收縮時的肌肉活化情形,並增加落地時的下肢勁度。經低頻率高振幅震動訓練後,在平衡方面可增加肌肉平均收縮之頻率,降低股四頭肌的收縮,減少CoP之移動面積,在跳躍表現上可提升主動跳躍及被動跳躍之跳躍高度,增加肌肉之平均功率頻率與股四頭肌在離心及向心收縮時的肌肉活化情形。控制組在訓練後,可提升主動跳躍高度及減少CoP 移動速度。結論:在相同震動加速度負荷下,經過八周震動訓練對跳躍與平衡能力均有顯著進步,高頻率低振幅的震動訓練方式可促使肌肉產生較低之肌電活化,提高平均功率頻率,並產生較佳之神經適應性,提升較佳的被動跳躍表現和增加平衡之控制能力,而低頻率高振幅震動訓練後,肌肉產生較高之肌電活化,提高平均功率頻率,進而提升較佳主動跳躍表現。
Purpose: To investigate the effects of 8-week vibration training at different frequencies and amplitudes on jumping performance and balance ability. Methods: Fifty healthy young adults were recruited as subjects and were randomly divided into high frequency low amplitude group (HFLA., 32 Hz, 1 mm), low frequency high amplitude group (LFHA., 18 Hz, 3 mm), and control group (training without vibration). All subjects were squatting along with the test. After 8 weeks training, pre- and post-tests were conducted with electromyography and force platform (sampling frequency at 1000 Hz) to evaluate the jumping performance and balance ability. Two factor mixed design (two-way ANOVA) was used to analyze, significant level was set at α = .05. Result: After eight weeks vibration training, the balance and jumping performance were increased. The mean power frequency on muscle contraction was increased in the HFLA training, the contraction of the quadriceps was decreased, and the COP velocity was increased with the decreased area of motion on balance test. On the jumping performance, the heights of active and passive jump were increased, the mean power frequency on muscle contraction was increased and the eccentric and concentric contraction of quadriceps was reduced, and the stiffness of lower extremity was increased on jumping performance while landing. The mean power frequency on nuscle contraction was increased on LFHA training, the over-contraction of the quadriceps was decreased, and the area of motion of COP was reduced on balance test. The heights of active and passive jump were increased, the mean power frequency on muscle contraction was increased and the eccentric and concentric contractions of quadriceps are reduced. The height of active jump was increased in control group and the COP velocity was decreased. Conclusion: The jumping performance and balance ability were increased significantly after 8 weeks vibration training under the same frequency of vibration, but muscle responded varied. It shows lower muscle activation, increased mean power frequency, better neural adaptation, and better jumping performance on balance control and maintenance. After the low frequency high amplitude vibration training, the higher muscle activities were found, mean power frequency on muscle contraction was increased, and hence the active jumping performance was enhanced.
Purpose: To investigate the effects of 8-week vibration training at different frequencies and amplitudes on jumping performance and balance ability. Methods: Fifty healthy young adults were recruited as subjects and were randomly divided into high frequency low amplitude group (HFLA., 32 Hz, 1 mm), low frequency high amplitude group (LFHA., 18 Hz, 3 mm), and control group (training without vibration). All subjects were squatting along with the test. After 8 weeks training, pre- and post-tests were conducted with electromyography and force platform (sampling frequency at 1000 Hz) to evaluate the jumping performance and balance ability. Two factor mixed design (two-way ANOVA) was used to analyze, significant level was set at α = .05. Result: After eight weeks vibration training, the balance and jumping performance were increased. The mean power frequency on muscle contraction was increased in the HFLA training, the contraction of the quadriceps was decreased, and the COP velocity was increased with the decreased area of motion on balance test. On the jumping performance, the heights of active and passive jump were increased, the mean power frequency on muscle contraction was increased and the eccentric and concentric contraction of quadriceps was reduced, and the stiffness of lower extremity was increased on jumping performance while landing. The mean power frequency on nuscle contraction was increased on LFHA training, the over-contraction of the quadriceps was decreased, and the area of motion of COP was reduced on balance test. The heights of active and passive jump were increased, the mean power frequency on muscle contraction was increased and the eccentric and concentric contractions of quadriceps are reduced. The height of active jump was increased in control group and the COP velocity was decreased. Conclusion: The jumping performance and balance ability were increased significantly after 8 weeks vibration training under the same frequency of vibration, but muscle responded varied. It shows lower muscle activation, increased mean power frequency, better neural adaptation, and better jumping performance on balance control and maintenance. After the low frequency high amplitude vibration training, the higher muscle activities were found, mean power frequency on muscle contraction was increased, and hence the active jumping performance was enhanced.
全身震動訓練, 蹲踞訓練, 負荷強度, 神經反射, 肌肉共振, Whole body vibration training, Squat training, Strength of load, Reflexes, Muscle resonance