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本研究主要目的在瞭解大專聯賽公開一級男子排球選手心理資本對競技倦怠之預測情形。研究參與者為國內參加中華民國101學年度大專排球聯賽公開一級預賽,以12所大專院校代表隊之男子排球選手。經徵得選手同意後,共發出200份問卷,有效問卷為192份,平均年齡為20.6 ± 0.56歲。研究工具包括心理資本量表、競技倦怠量表問卷量表。經資料蒐集完成,以簡單相關與多元迴歸分析進行處理,得到以下幾點主要發現: (一) 男子排球選手競技倦怠之狀況方面,競技倦怠三個構面中,由高至低排序分別為,「運動的貶價」、「情緒身體耗竭」、「減低成就感」。 (二) 男子排球選手心理資本之狀況方面,心理資本四個構面中,由高至低排序分別為,「希望感」、「樂觀」、「自我效能」、「復原力」。 (三) 男子排球選手心理資本對競技倦怠之預測方面,心理資本能有效負向預測競技倦怠,而心理資本四個構面與競技倦怠各個構面都呈現負相關。
The purpose of this study was two-fold: first, to understand the psychological capital and athletic burnout among Division I collegiate volleyball players; second, to examine the prediction of psychological capital on athletic burnout. The participants were 192 male volleyball players recruited from 12 Division I universities competed in University Volleyball League 2012. Their average age was 20.6 + 0.56 years. After received the informed consent from players, they were requested to complete a questionnaire to assess their psychological capital and athletic burnout. After the data collection, descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation and multiple linear regression analyses were used to analyze the data. The results indicated that: (1) In terms of the athletic burnout, the degree of three constructs of athletic burnout from high to low were “devaluation of sport”, “emotional exhaustion” and “reduced sense of accomplishment” respectively. (2) In terms of the psychological capital, the degree of the four constructs of psychological capital from high to low were “hope”, “optimism”, “self-efficacy” and “resilience” respectively. (3) In terms of the prediction of psychological capital on athletic burnout, psychological capital negatively predicted the athletic burnout. Moreover, four constructs of psychological capital were all negatively correlated to each construct of athletic burnout.



自我效能, 復原力, 希望感, 樂觀, 運動心理學, self-efficacy, resilience, hope, optimism, sport psychology





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