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《第八號交響曲》(Beethoven Symphony No. 8, Op. 93)於1812年完成,為貝多芬九首交響曲中唯一一首並未有題獻對象的交響作品,本曲共有四個樂章。本論文將針對生平、創作背景、九首交響作品等關係進行參考,並將第《第八號交響曲》各樂章進行分析,並比較不同版本有聲資料,歸納研究者於樂團排練操作、演出過程中,所需注意之重點及特色為指揮詮釋報告依據。
"Symphony No. 8" (Beethoven Symphony No. 8, Op. 93) was completed in 1812. In Beethoven’s nine symphonies, “Symphony No. 8” was the only symphony without the object. In this paper, the relationship among the life, the background of creation and the nine symphony works is used for reference. In order to providing the basic of conductor interpretation, the writer generalized the music key point and characteristics while orchestra was doing actual rehearsal and performance process. Analyzing all movements from "Symphony No. 8" and comparing audio data versions are studied.
"Symphony No. 8" (Beethoven Symphony No. 8, Op. 93) was completed in 1812. In Beethoven’s nine symphonies, “Symphony No. 8” was the only symphony without the object. In this paper, the relationship among the life, the background of creation and the nine symphony works is used for reference. In order to providing the basic of conductor interpretation, the writer generalized the music key point and characteristics while orchestra was doing actual rehearsal and performance process. Analyzing all movements from "Symphony No. 8" and comparing audio data versions are studied.
貝多芬, 第八號交響曲, 交響曲, 指揮詮釋, Beethoven, Symphony no. 8, Symphony, Conducting Interpretation