安其所適,成其所才 ~ 社區本位藝術教育展現的融合蘊義
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National Taiwan Normal University Special Education Center
National Taiwan Normal University Special Education Center
融合教育強調對人的「差異」的接納、欣賞與轉化,因此融合教育是以人為本的教育實踐。本文分享一位國小美術班老師實施的「社區本位藝術教育」,在校園中轉化學生的差異為合作資源,以及將學生的才能發展與地方關懷結合,並與藝術教育社群積極分享自身的實踐,創造具有地方感的藝術才能發展教育,呈現出後現代藝術教育家Gude (2007)所指的「關注生活的課程」(attentive living curriculum),體現「安其所適,成其所才」的融合蘊義。
Inclusion is human-centered educational praxis. Community-based art education implemented by an elementary school art teacher for students with art talents was analyzed to explore its implication for inclusion and the curriculum was formulated to connect visual arts and community in a variety of location. The art teacher’s curriculum design is akin to “attentive living curriculum” (Gude, 2007) and reveals the implication of inclusive education—adaptive dwelling, appropriate developing.
Inclusion is human-centered educational praxis. Community-based art education implemented by an elementary school art teacher for students with art talents was analyzed to explore its implication for inclusion and the curriculum was formulated to connect visual arts and community in a variety of location. The art teacher’s curriculum design is akin to “attentive living curriculum” (Gude, 2007) and reveals the implication of inclusive education—adaptive dwelling, appropriate developing.