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本研究目的為瞭解臺北市國中專任輔導教師在拒學輔導工作中角色定位與系統合作之經驗,旨在:一、瞭解臺北市國中專任輔導教師在拒學輔導中角色定位與困境。二、探討臺北市國中專任輔導教師在拒學輔導中系統合作之經驗與困境。三、瞭解生態系統合作間互動情形對個案拒學行為之影響。四、探究臺北市國中專任輔導教師在拒學輔導經驗中的角色認同與專業成長。採質性研究取向紮根分析,藉由立意取樣邀請八位專輔教師進行半結構式訪談。 研究發現有四:一、專輔在拒學輔導中角色多元職責龐雜,導致角色定位模糊產生專業認同危機。二、專輔在拒學輔導中系統合作經驗為落實生態系統觀點介入拒學輔導策略,在跨專業合作中的挑戰包含:「系統缺乏合作意願」、「觀點不同各執己見」、「來校安置互踢皮球」、「系統轉介界線模糊」、「行政作業合作阻礙」、「系統成員中途退場」、「拒學成因難以言傳」。三、生態系統互動情形對個案拒學行為影響,有五項正向影響為「系統互相補位突破輔導僵局」、「善用依附關係作為返校拉力」、「發覺個案亮點提升自我效能」、「接納個案限制提供適性環境」、「觀察行為模式給予鷹架支持」,以及兩項負向影響,分別為「家長態度放棄加劇拒學行為」、「缺乏轉銜制度個案重拾舊習」。四、專輔在拒學輔導經驗中逐漸認同其角色價值,而在系統合作中的專業成長包含:「堅持信念不受影響」、「熟悉系統明確分工」、「換位思考相互扶持」、「理解個案放下執念」、「放下焦慮處之泰然」。 本研究依據上述研究結果,彰顯專任輔導教師在拒學輔導工作中多元角色之價值,並提供系統合作之具體策略,以提升未來拒學輔導處遇之效能。
The purpose of this research is to understand the experience of Junior High School Counselors in Taipei in the role positioning and systematic cooperation in the work of refusing to study.The study is meant to as follows: First, to understand the role and dilemma of the Counselors in Taipei National High School in the counseling of refusal to study. Second, to explore the experience and dilemma of the Counselors in Taipei National High School in systematic cooperation in the counseling of refusal to study. Third, to understand the impact of interactions between ecosystem cooperation on student refusal behavior. Fourth, to explore the role identification and professional growth of Junior High School Counselors in Taipei in the experience of School Refusal Clients.This study adopts the grounded theory of qualitative research orientation, collecting data through intentional sampling. Eight Junior High School Counselors in Taipei were invited to conduct semi-structured interviews. The study found four: 1. Junior high school counselors have multiple roles and responsibilities in refusal counseling, resulting in blurred role positioning and professional identity crisis. 2. Junior high school counselor’s experience in systematic cooperation in school rejection counseling In order to implement the ecosystem perspective and intervene in school rejection counseling strategies, the challenges in interprofessional cooperation include: the system lacks willingness to cooperate, different opinions, pass the buck to each other, system referral lines blur, obstacles to administrative cooperation, system members leave midway, and the reasons for refusing to study are hard to describe. 3. The impact of ecosystem interaction on individual students’ refusal to study has five positive effects: the systems complement each other to break through the deadlock of counseling, useing attachment as a back-to-school pull, discover clients highlights to improve self-efficacy, accepting clients limits provides an appropriate environment, observing patterns of behavior give scaffolding support. Two negative effects: parents' attitude of giving up aggravates school refusal, and lacking the transition system. 4. In the experience of refusing to study, the Junior high school counselors gradually recognizes its role value, and the professional growth in the system cooperation includes: hold on to beliefs, familiar with the system and clear division of labor, empathy and mutual support, understand the clients and let go of the obsession, and let go of anxiety. Based on the above research results, this study highlights the value of multiple roles of counselors in the work of refusal counseling, and provide specific strategies for systematic cooperation to improve the effectiveness of future school refusal counseling.
The purpose of this research is to understand the experience of Junior High School Counselors in Taipei in the role positioning and systematic cooperation in the work of refusing to study.The study is meant to as follows: First, to understand the role and dilemma of the Counselors in Taipei National High School in the counseling of refusal to study. Second, to explore the experience and dilemma of the Counselors in Taipei National High School in systematic cooperation in the counseling of refusal to study. Third, to understand the impact of interactions between ecosystem cooperation on student refusal behavior. Fourth, to explore the role identification and professional growth of Junior High School Counselors in Taipei in the experience of School Refusal Clients.This study adopts the grounded theory of qualitative research orientation, collecting data through intentional sampling. Eight Junior High School Counselors in Taipei were invited to conduct semi-structured interviews. The study found four: 1. Junior high school counselors have multiple roles and responsibilities in refusal counseling, resulting in blurred role positioning and professional identity crisis. 2. Junior high school counselor’s experience in systematic cooperation in school rejection counseling In order to implement the ecosystem perspective and intervene in school rejection counseling strategies, the challenges in interprofessional cooperation include: the system lacks willingness to cooperate, different opinions, pass the buck to each other, system referral lines blur, obstacles to administrative cooperation, system members leave midway, and the reasons for refusing to study are hard to describe. 3. The impact of ecosystem interaction on individual students’ refusal to study has five positive effects: the systems complement each other to break through the deadlock of counseling, useing attachment as a back-to-school pull, discover clients highlights to improve self-efficacy, accepting clients limits provides an appropriate environment, observing patterns of behavior give scaffolding support. Two negative effects: parents' attitude of giving up aggravates school refusal, and lacking the transition system. 4. In the experience of refusing to study, the Junior high school counselors gradually recognizes its role value, and the professional growth in the system cooperation includes: hold on to beliefs, familiar with the system and clear division of labor, empathy and mutual support, understand the clients and let go of the obsession, and let go of anxiety. Based on the above research results, this study highlights the value of multiple roles of counselors in the work of refusal counseling, and provide specific strategies for systematic cooperation to improve the effectiveness of future school refusal counseling.
國中專任輔導教師, 拒學, 角色定位, 系統合作, junior high school counselor, school refusal, role identity, system collaboration