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訪問韓國的華人遊客不斷增加,從2012年開始,華人遊客逐漸成爲韓國旅遊市場的最大客戶。為吸引這些華語地區遊客,韓國各個產業皆傾注了許多努力。而這些遊客訪韓的重點行程之一便是「購物」,因此韓國的銷售業是所有領域中最重視華語人才,其中又以「免稅店」為先發,大量招募華語人才。世界最大規模的韓國免稅店,不管職員最精通的語言是什麼,都以具備起碼的華語能力爲招聘條件,非常重視對華語地區顧客的服務。儘管如此,免稅店銷售服務中可以直接使用的專業華語教材及課程的開發仍有不足。儘管免稅店從業人員大部分有華語學習經驗,但其中大多僅停留在一般基礎華語,而非專業的商業銷售華語。因此,許多免稅店職員在職場工作上使用華語時都會不可避免地遇到困難。因為這個問題,筆者依據自己在免稅店的工作經驗, 設計了符合現場從業者需求的華語教材,適用對象為韓及免稅店職員,或今後負責銷售工作的學習者。
本研究採用「內容分析法」和「調查研究法」。首先,本研究探討相關領域之文獻,包括專業語言教學相關理論、第二語言教材編寫相關理論,及韓國的國家職務能力標準(National Competency Standards,NCS)的相關研究及職務內容分析,以作為教材設計之理論基礎。其次,本研究評析在韓國出版的銷售華語教材7本。接著,本研究針對77位在免稅店上班的韓國籍職員進行問卷調查,以瞭解其對專業華語教學的看法及需求。之後,本研究依據理論內容和需求分析,整理出適合韓國籍免稅店職員之專業華語教材之編寫原則,其中包含針對性原則、實用性原則、趣味性原則、科學性原則和知識性原則等五項,並依據這些原則編寫內容大綱及單元範例。最後,本研究提出研究總結及對未來後續研究之建議。
Along with the steady increase of tourist visits to Korea from Chinese-speaking nations, Chinese tourists have become the primary clientele of the Korean tourist market since 2012. Various industrial fields in Korea are making great efforts to constantly attract tourists from Chinese-speaking countries. The main engagement activity of the Chinese tourists is shopping and the sales industry is continuously trying to win their favor. Out of all the sales fields, duty-free shops are given the highest attention by the clients. The Korean duty-free store is the world’s largest scale, and since it values its service towards Chinese customers, it focuses on hiring employees at least with minimum Chinese skills regardless of the employees’ proficiency in other languages. Despite such a trend, the development of a special-purpose Chinese textbook or curriculum that can be immediately applied to the duty-free sales service is still at an insufficient level. Most duty-free shop employees possess a learning experience in Chinese, but only a minority of them have received a lesson in professional business Chinese. Hence, many of the workers are finding difficulty in utilizing professional Chinese in their work field. Therefore, the author carried out this research with a critical mind in this matter. This study is mainly for the duty-free store associates who need special-purpose Chinese education and is based upon the author’s working experience in the duty-free business. It aims to create a special-purpose Chinese textbook that can satisfy the special needs of the duty-free shop employees. This paper used the 「Content Analysis Method」 and 「Research Study Method」 in order to carry out the study. First, the theoretic basis of the teaching material design was established through the literature review of the relating field. The study divided the advance research into theories of special-purpose language education, second language textbook development, Korea’s NCS research, and job analysis. Furthermore, it analyzed the teaching material based upon seven volumes of Chinese textbooks that have been recently published in Korea. Additionally, in order to comprehend the educational requests of the Chinese language used in the duty-free market, the research executed a survey with 77 Korean duty-free store employees as test subjects. Afterward, this study drew writing rules for the special-purpose Chinese textbook that are suitable for the Korean duty-free store employees based on the literature review and needs assessment, which includes the principles of suitability, practicality, interest level, scientific accuracy, and knowledge level. This article presents the syllabus and example units concerning the previously mentioned principles. Lastly, the study offers the conclusion of the research and suggests the direction of the follow-up study.
Along with the steady increase of tourist visits to Korea from Chinese-speaking nations, Chinese tourists have become the primary clientele of the Korean tourist market since 2012. Various industrial fields in Korea are making great efforts to constantly attract tourists from Chinese-speaking countries. The main engagement activity of the Chinese tourists is shopping and the sales industry is continuously trying to win their favor. Out of all the sales fields, duty-free shops are given the highest attention by the clients. The Korean duty-free store is the world’s largest scale, and since it values its service towards Chinese customers, it focuses on hiring employees at least with minimum Chinese skills regardless of the employees’ proficiency in other languages. Despite such a trend, the development of a special-purpose Chinese textbook or curriculum that can be immediately applied to the duty-free sales service is still at an insufficient level. Most duty-free shop employees possess a learning experience in Chinese, but only a minority of them have received a lesson in professional business Chinese. Hence, many of the workers are finding difficulty in utilizing professional Chinese in their work field. Therefore, the author carried out this research with a critical mind in this matter. This study is mainly for the duty-free store associates who need special-purpose Chinese education and is based upon the author’s working experience in the duty-free business. It aims to create a special-purpose Chinese textbook that can satisfy the special needs of the duty-free shop employees. This paper used the 「Content Analysis Method」 and 「Research Study Method」 in order to carry out the study. First, the theoretic basis of the teaching material design was established through the literature review of the relating field. The study divided the advance research into theories of special-purpose language education, second language textbook development, Korea’s NCS research, and job analysis. Furthermore, it analyzed the teaching material based upon seven volumes of Chinese textbooks that have been recently published in Korea. Additionally, in order to comprehend the educational requests of the Chinese language used in the duty-free market, the research executed a survey with 77 Korean duty-free store employees as test subjects. Afterward, this study drew writing rules for the special-purpose Chinese textbook that are suitable for the Korean duty-free store employees based on the literature review and needs assessment, which includes the principles of suitability, practicality, interest level, scientific accuracy, and knowledge level. This article presents the syllabus and example units concerning the previously mentioned principles. Lastly, the study offers the conclusion of the research and suggests the direction of the follow-up study.
華語教材, 專業華語教材, 教材設計, 韓國籍免稅店職員, 免稅華語, Chinese textbook, Chinese for Specific Purposes, Korean duty-free sales associates, Chinese for duty-free shop, textbook development