

本研究是一質性取向的資訊行為探究。以多元方法,透過特定個案,探索書後索引編製者的編製行為。本研究採用訪談、內容分析、凱利方格技術(RGT)、認知工作分析(CWA)以及事例-命題分析等資料收集與分析技術,以ATLAS.ti與RepIV為分析輔助工具,概念化書後索引編製者之行為模型。 研究並透過「索引室」的隱喻,進一步檢證研究所提出的模型的解釋能力。並進一步提出論證: 一、書後索引編製者更依賴其建構的選詞規劃進行款目選取的判斷。 二、書後索引編製活動是不斷權衡評估的規劃與判斷活動。 三、書後索引編製活動中所需的資訊資源,不僅限於文本本身,也涵蓋社會性資訊資源,與編製者自身經驗。 最後,並嘗試進一步討論資訊行為研究的理論性議題,以提供將來相關研究之學科整合參考。
This study is a qualitative approach information behavior research. The researcher used multiple methods to inquiry back-of-the-book indexer’s indexing behavior. Data collected by interview and cases in literature. CWA, Instance-proposition analysis, concept map technology were used to transcripts and content analysis. RGT was used to draw the mental strategies of a indexer. ATLAS.ti and RepIV are softwares for data analysis. In this study, the researcher conceptualized the model of back-of-the-book indexer’s indexing behavior. The explanation power of this model was examined by ‘Indexing Room Metaphor’. This study proposes three arguments: 1. Back-of-the-book indexers depend on their term-selecting-project more than simple term-selecting-judgement in entity selecton. 2. Back-of-the-book indexing behavior is a continuously projecting and deciding activity. 3. The information resources used in back-of-the-book indexing are not merely content itself, but involving social information resources and indexer’s personal experience. Finally, the researcher discussed some applicational and theortical issues in this study.



書後索引, 資訊行為, 索引編製行為, 質性分析軟體, 方格法, 認知工作分析, 概念圖, back-of-the-book index, information behavior, indexing behavior, qualitative analysis software, RGT, Repertory Grid Technique, CWA, Cognitive Work Analysis, Concept Map





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