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大學所衍生之新創企業之研究 -以台灣與日本之大學之育成機制為例 摘 要 本研究旨在深入調查、探討並分析台灣與日本之大學之大學所衍生之新創企業育成機制之發展背景與現況、未來發展方向、進行育成工作時所遭遇到的問題及具體可行之改進建議,並根據研究結果發掘台灣與日本之大學之大學所衍生之新創企業育成之相關課題。 為達研究目的,研究者首先蒐集台灣與日本產學合作、大學所衍生之新創企業、大學所衍生之新創企業之育成之相關資料,藉以作為探討大學所衍生之新創企業育成機制的學理基礎,研究分為深度個別訪談及焦點團體訪談兩部份進行。深度團體訪談之進行係與台灣之區域產學合作中心、台灣之大學之技術移轉機構、台灣與日本之大學之創新育成中心之可提供豐富資料、實際參與產學合作、大學所衍生之新創企業之育成的人員共5位進行訪談,以便瞭解其於進行大學所衍生之新創企業育成工作時所遭遇到之問題。焦點訪談方面係選擇績效卓著且具代表性之台灣之創新育成中心之對於討論主題有豐富背景知識或實務經驗,能夠瞭解問題的重點,條理分明的表達意見,且具有參與熱忱的人員5位,作為參加焦點團體訪談之對象,期能透過不同的角度更周全的探討同一個問題,並以團體間互動討論的言辭內容作為資料蒐集之核心。 研究者經編碼整理個別深度訪談及焦點訪談之資料,瞭解台灣與日本之大學之大學所衍生之新創企業育成機制之發展背景與現況,再將資料分析、比較、歸納出可工供相關單位參考之形式呈現,並作成結論與分析,希望能提供各大學所衍生之新創企業及產學合作相關議題之研究者作為研究之參考資料,並提供我國國科會、教育部、經濟部等單位作為擬訂或修訂及執行大學所衍生新創企業育成政策與措施之參考。
A Study on University Spin-off Ventures A Case Study of Incubation Mechanisms in Taiwan and Japan Universities Abstract This study investigates and analyzes the development background, the current situation, and direction of future development of university spin-off ventures among universities in Taiwan and Japan. It offers concrete, feasible recommendations for problems encountered during incubation-related work. From the findings of this research, we discovered relevant lessons to be learned from university spin-off ventures. In order to achieve the purpose of this research, the researcher first collected relevant information on industrial-academic cooperation, university spin-off ventures, and university spin-off venture incubation in Taiwan and Japan to investigate the academic foundation of the incubation mechanism of university spin-off ventures. The study was conducted in two parts, including in-depth personal interviews and focus group interviews. In-depth group interviews carried out with regional industrial-academic cooperation centers in Taiwan, technology licensing organization in Taiwan universities, and university incubation centers in Japan and Taiwan provided valuable information. Interviews were conducted with five individuals dealing in industrial-academic cooperation and university spin-off venture incubation to facilitate the understanding of problems encountered during the incubation phase of university spin-off ventures. In focus group interviews, five individuals from incubation centers with outstanding records and representative of Taiwan were selected. These individuals are passionate about their work and are well-equipped with the background knowledge or have the hands-on experience necessary to understand keys points of the topic and were able to discuss their views clearly. It was the hope of the researcher that the issue could be better investigated by presenting different viewpoints and that the content of the dialog that took place within the group could be collected and used as core data. Through encoding and collating the data obtained through the in-depth individual and focus group interviews, the researcher came to understand the background development and present situation of incubation mechanisms in university spin-off ventures in Taiwan and Japan. The researcher analyzed, compared, and generalized the information which can be used as reference by relevant organizations. Furthermore, a conclusion was drawn and analysis provided to be used as reference by researchers studying university spin-off ventures and industrial-academic cooperation and by the National Science Council, Ministry of Education, and Ministry of Economic Affairs when formulating and implementing policies concerned with university spin-off venture incubation mechanisms.



大學所衍生之新創企業, 產學合作, 技術移轉, 育成, 育成機制, university spin-off venture, industrial-academic cooperation, technology licensing organization, incubation, incubation mechanism





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