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本研究旨在瞭解私立科技大學教師在學校場域的處境壓力與生存策略,為了能更貼近他們的生命經驗,瞭解事件發生的社會背景與學校脈絡,研究者採用敘說研究法呈現四位私立科技大學教師的生命故事。透過「報導層次」、「詮釋分析」與「批判反思」進行資料分析與整理,輔以微觀政治的視角分析,最後透過經驗意義化的過程,將教師生存策略再概念化並得到相關啟示。 整理與分析研究資料後,本研究結論如下: 一、由於少子化、技專院校改制升格政策等因素之影響,校方為求生存,啟動汰換教師策略,壓縮教師生存空間。 二、由於掌握資源多寡不同,私校決策者與教師間隱存著高低權力位階的差異。 三、系所主管獨攬重權、人治色彩濃厚,削弱教師主體獨立性。 四、私立科大教師承受強大的生存壓力,多採取保護型策略以求自保。 五、私立科大教師在「學校期望角色」與「自身認同角色」的拉扯過程中,往往妥協於前者,將主要利益考量趨近於學校立場。 六、外在的結構脈絡與教師主體能動性,兩者縱橫交錯、相互影響,交織成複雜多樣教師因應態度與策略的圖像。
The purpose of this research is to understand the situational pressure and survival strategies of teachers in private technology universities in the school field. In order to be more close to their lives, and understand the social background and school context, the researcher uses the narrative research method to present four Private Technical Universities’ Teachers’ life stories. First, the researcher analyzes and organizes the data through "reporting level", "interpretation analysis" and "critical reflection". Then, the researcher reviews the life courses of the teachers through the micro-political perspective, and digs into the process of four teachers’ experience. Finally, the teachers’ survival strategies are re-conceptualized and relevant revelations are obtained. After sorting out and analyzing the research materials, the conclusions of this research are as follows: First, due to factors such as declining birthrates, reforming in technical colleges and upgrading of the promotion policy, the school—in order to survive—begins using the teacher severance strategies, which reduces teachers’ living space; Second, due to the difference of resources available, there are differences in the level of power between the decision makers and teachers in private technical universities; Third, the department directors monopolize heavy power and strong governance, weakening the independence of teachers; Fourth, private technical universities’ teachers are under strong pressure to survive and tend to adapt protective strategies in order to protect themselves; Fifth, in the process of “pulling on the school’s expectations” and “self-identifying roles”, private technical universities’ teachers often compromise on the former and approach the main interest considerations to the school’s position; Sixth, the external structural context and the initiative of the teacher, both are interacted and intertwined into complex and diverse teachers’ attitudes and strategies.



私立科技大學, 教師生存策略, 敘說研究, 微觀政治, private technical universities, teacher survival strategy, narrative research, micro-politics





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