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關係攻擊是指以傷害對方人際關係為目的之攻擊行為;成年初顯期則指由青少年轉換至成年階段之過渡時期。本研究之目的在於發展適合臺灣社會的《情境式關係攻擊量表》,藉以測量成年初顯期個體在不同激發情境脈絡下的關係攻擊傾向,並建立其心理計量特性。首先進行前導研究,包括訪談、開放式問卷以及半開放式問卷,藉以瞭解成年初顯期關係攻擊之內涵;再以文獻及前導研究結果為基礎編擬本量表,進行預試以及項目分析後形成正式量表為十四則情境共38題。激發情境類型包括一般性激發情境(激怒起因大多來自於兩人在看法或態度上的歧異)以及關係性激發情境(牽涉到關係性威脅、社交地位或自尊遭到損害的情況),後者再依據互動者的關係劃分為好朋友及普通朋友的脈絡。行為反應題項則分為間接關係攻擊與直接關係攻擊,前者指攻擊者利用第三者的關係或群眾力量進行攻擊,例如拉攏第三者站在自己這一方;後者指攻擊者直接利用自己與標的人物之間的關係進行攻擊,例如與標的人物冷戰。本研究以1502名大學生(578名男性及924名女性)為研究參與者,分析《情境式關係攻擊量表》之心理計量特性。研究結果顯示本量表內部一致 (α = .69~ .82) 且穩定 (r = .70~ .84),具有可接受之信度。而在效度方面,內容效度檢核結果顯示,各題激發情境與關係攻擊行為反應的敘述符合研究者所劃分的類別定義;至於建構效度的部份包括因素效度、同時效度及區辨效度。以各分量表與全量表之內部相關以及驗證性因素分析來檢驗因素效度,顯示各分量表之間具有關連性但也各有功能存在,且本量表的整體模式適配情形頗為理想;再以同儕提名方式的《大學生社交行為量表》以及自陳式的《大學生活適應量表》檢驗同時效度,發現《情境式關係攻擊量表》與此二量表皆有相關存在,且會因不同激發情境下採用的關係攻擊手段不同,而產生程度不一的關連性;最後分別以性別、年級與社交行為來檢驗區辨效度,發現《情境式關係攻擊量表》能有效區辨男性與女性、大一與大四、關係攻擊者與非關係攻擊者的關係攻擊傾向,其區辨力會因為不同激發情境下採取之關係攻擊類型而異。同時研究者也根據不同性別與年級提供得分概況。最後針對研究結果做進一步的討論,並在量表發展、量表使用、量表解釋以及未來研究方向等方面提出具體建議。
Relational aggression refers to behaviors aimed to hurt others’ interpersonal relationships. Emerging adulthood refers to the transitional phase from adolescence to adulthood. The purpose of the study was to develop a psychometric measure to evaluate the tendency and the subtypes of relational aggression under different kinds of provocations among Taiwanese college students. The provocative situations and response items were generated from literature and a series of pilot studies including qualitative interviews, open-ended questionnaires, and semi-structured questionnaires. The formal version of “Situational Scale of Relational Aggression, SSRA” consists of 14 provocative situations categorized as “ordinarily provocative situations,” “relationally provocative situations of intimate friends,” and “relationally provocative situations of ordinary friends.” In addition, two subtypes of relational aggression are included in the 38 response items: “Indirect relational aggression” and “direct relational aggression”. The former refers to aggression that the aggressors utilize the relationship between aggressor and others to conduct relational aggression (e.g., gossip); the latter refers to aggression that the relationship between aggressor and the target is used to deliver relational aggression (e.g., silent treatment). The formal scale was administrated to a sample of 1502 college students (578 males and 924 females) aged 18-25. Psychometric evaluation revealed that SSRA was both sufficiently reliable and valid. In reliability analysis, Cronbach’s alpha coefficients ranged from .69 to .82, and test-retest correlation coefficients ranged from .70 to .84, suggesting acceptable test-retest reliability and internal consistency. In validity analysis, data from five raters provided high content validity. As for construct validity, the inter correlation of subscales and confirmatory factor analysis were performed to evaluate factor validity. The results showed that the overall model fit the data well and the subscales were correlated with each other while each served distinct function as well. The results of concurrent validity indicated that SSRA was correlated with “College Students’ Social Behavior Scale—Peer Report, CSSBS-P” and “The Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire, SACQ” and correlative intensity varied with subscales of SSRA. Finally, discriminant validity was evaluated in terms of gender, grade and social behavior. The results demonstrated that SSRA validly discriminated males from females, first graders from forth graders, and relational aggressors from non-relational aggressors in certain provocative types and subscales. Further discussion and implications in development, usage, interpretation and future study of the measure were provided.
Relational aggression refers to behaviors aimed to hurt others’ interpersonal relationships. Emerging adulthood refers to the transitional phase from adolescence to adulthood. The purpose of the study was to develop a psychometric measure to evaluate the tendency and the subtypes of relational aggression under different kinds of provocations among Taiwanese college students. The provocative situations and response items were generated from literature and a series of pilot studies including qualitative interviews, open-ended questionnaires, and semi-structured questionnaires. The formal version of “Situational Scale of Relational Aggression, SSRA” consists of 14 provocative situations categorized as “ordinarily provocative situations,” “relationally provocative situations of intimate friends,” and “relationally provocative situations of ordinary friends.” In addition, two subtypes of relational aggression are included in the 38 response items: “Indirect relational aggression” and “direct relational aggression”. The former refers to aggression that the aggressors utilize the relationship between aggressor and others to conduct relational aggression (e.g., gossip); the latter refers to aggression that the relationship between aggressor and the target is used to deliver relational aggression (e.g., silent treatment). The formal scale was administrated to a sample of 1502 college students (578 males and 924 females) aged 18-25. Psychometric evaluation revealed that SSRA was both sufficiently reliable and valid. In reliability analysis, Cronbach’s alpha coefficients ranged from .69 to .82, and test-retest correlation coefficients ranged from .70 to .84, suggesting acceptable test-retest reliability and internal consistency. In validity analysis, data from five raters provided high content validity. As for construct validity, the inter correlation of subscales and confirmatory factor analysis were performed to evaluate factor validity. The results showed that the overall model fit the data well and the subscales were correlated with each other while each served distinct function as well. The results of concurrent validity indicated that SSRA was correlated with “College Students’ Social Behavior Scale—Peer Report, CSSBS-P” and “The Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire, SACQ” and correlative intensity varied with subscales of SSRA. Finally, discriminant validity was evaluated in terms of gender, grade and social behavior. The results demonstrated that SSRA validly discriminated males from females, first graders from forth graders, and relational aggressors from non-relational aggressors in certain provocative types and subscales. Further discussion and implications in development, usage, interpretation and future study of the measure were provided.
關係攻擊, 成年初顯期, 情境式量表, relational aggression, emerging adulthood, situational scale