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本研究之目的是設計一套適合國小資優生之「創造思考技法融入同理心課程教學」,並探究其對國小四年級資優生在同理心的影響。 本研究採不等組前後測之準實驗設計,研究對象為臺北市永樂國小資優班四年級學生,一組為進行創造思考教學法,另一組以傳統教學法進行教學。創造思考教學組進行為期六週、共計十二節課的心智圖法、六頂思考帽、六雙行動鞋等創造思考技法融入同理心課程;傳統教學組則以相同主題、素材實施一般傳統教學。研究工具包含測量同理心的「我的生活經驗調查」、「教師教學省思單」和「同理心課程學習單」。量化資料以單因子共變數分析法處理,質性資料則由研究者歸納整理。 根據研究結果,本研究結論如下: 一、創造思考教學與傳統教學對提昇國小資優生同理心並未有差異。 二、透過同理心課程學習單,發現實驗組學生在自述同理心概念時較為完整。 最後,根據研究結論,針對課程設計、教學和未來研究三方面提出若干建議,以供實施創造思考技法融入同理心課程的教學者及後續研究者之參考。
The purposes of this study were to design a suitable empathy development class by integrating creative thinking skills for fourth grade gifted students and to investigate the influence on empathy of the students. The study adopted nonequivalent pretest-posttest as the research pattern. The subjects were selected from the researcher’s fourth grade gifted class. The students were divided into the experiment group which accepted 6 weeks, totally 12 classes of the empathy development classes integrating creative thinking skills, while the control group took the general instruction. The analysis tools consisted of empathy scale “The survey of my experience”, teacher’s reflective journals and students’ feedbacks. All the quantitative data were analyzed through one-way ANCOVA. According to the result of the study, the conclusions are given as follows: 1.Empathy development class in creative thinking skills couldn’t promote students’ empathy effectively. 2.Most subjects taking creative thinking skills can describe the concept of empathy integrated better than subjects taking general instruction. Based on the conclusion, suggestions are given to courses, teaching and researches that may serve as further references for teachers and researchers.



同理心課程, 同理心量表, 創造思考技法, 心智圖法, 六頂思考帽, 六雙行動鞋, empathy scale, empathy development, creative thinking skills





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