已婚婦女家庭壓力 婚姻滿意度與其生育意向之關係探究
三、已婚婦女的整體家庭壓力及其四個層面(夫妻相處、家人相處、子女教養、家務負擔) 有絕大部份會因為家庭型態的不同而有顯著的差異,有部份會因為年齡、社經地位的不同而有顯著的差異,但是並不會因為宗教信仰的不同
四、已婚婦女的整體婚姻滿意度及其五個層面(生理面滿意、經濟面滿意、社會面滿意、心理面滿意、哲學面滿意) 會因為社經地位的不同而有顯著的差
The main purpose of this research was to explore the relationship between married women’s family pressure, marriage satisfaction and fertility intention. There are six purposes included in this research : (1)edit a scale which is applicable to evaluate the fertility intention of married women, and then go on to present and explore the fertility intention of married women, nowaday.(2)explore the differences of married women’s fertility intention among variables of different background.(3) explore the differences of married women’s family pressure among variables of different background.(4) explore the differences of married women’s marriage satisfaction among variables of different background.(5)discover the relationship among married women’s family pressure, marriage satisfaction, fertility intention, and different background.(6)acquire predictability for married women’s fertility intention among variables of different background, family pressure, and marriage satisfaction. The way of questionnaire was adopted in this study.This research targets are 1149 married women who inhabit in Taipei City, Taipei County, Taoyuan County, Hsinchu County, Miaoli County, Changhua County, Chiayi County, Tainan County, Kaohsiung County, but 1018 copies were valid. The data obtained were analyzed and demonstrated by “scale of family pressure”, “scale of marriage satisfaction”, and “scale of fertility intention”. The sampling method was adopted by the non-probability sampling-snowball sampling method. Data gathered would be processed statistically with such tools as “descriptive statistics”, “reliability analysis”, “one-way ANOVA”, “Pearson’s product-moment correlation”, “the stepwise regression procedure”, and “critical factor analysis”. The major findings were listed below: 1. The fertility intention of married women tended to be positive. 2. The fertility intention of married women was significantly different with background variables of age, social economical status, family sort, and religion. 3. The family pressure of married women was significantly different with background variables of age, social economical status, and family sort. 4. The marriage satisfaction of married women was significantly different with background variable of social economical status. 5. The significant relationship was presented among background variables, married women’s family pressure, marriage satisfaction, and fertility intention. 6.17.1 percent of variations of the fertility intention of married women can be effectively predicted by background variables, married women’s family pressure, and marriage satisfaction.
The main purpose of this research was to explore the relationship between married women’s family pressure, marriage satisfaction and fertility intention. There are six purposes included in this research : (1)edit a scale which is applicable to evaluate the fertility intention of married women, and then go on to present and explore the fertility intention of married women, nowaday.(2)explore the differences of married women’s fertility intention among variables of different background.(3) explore the differences of married women’s family pressure among variables of different background.(4) explore the differences of married women’s marriage satisfaction among variables of different background.(5)discover the relationship among married women’s family pressure, marriage satisfaction, fertility intention, and different background.(6)acquire predictability for married women’s fertility intention among variables of different background, family pressure, and marriage satisfaction. The way of questionnaire was adopted in this study.This research targets are 1149 married women who inhabit in Taipei City, Taipei County, Taoyuan County, Hsinchu County, Miaoli County, Changhua County, Chiayi County, Tainan County, Kaohsiung County, but 1018 copies were valid. The data obtained were analyzed and demonstrated by “scale of family pressure”, “scale of marriage satisfaction”, and “scale of fertility intention”. The sampling method was adopted by the non-probability sampling-snowball sampling method. Data gathered would be processed statistically with such tools as “descriptive statistics”, “reliability analysis”, “one-way ANOVA”, “Pearson’s product-moment correlation”, “the stepwise regression procedure”, and “critical factor analysis”. The major findings were listed below: 1. The fertility intention of married women tended to be positive. 2. The fertility intention of married women was significantly different with background variables of age, social economical status, family sort, and religion. 3. The family pressure of married women was significantly different with background variables of age, social economical status, and family sort. 4. The marriage satisfaction of married women was significantly different with background variable of social economical status. 5. The significant relationship was presented among background variables, married women’s family pressure, marriage satisfaction, and fertility intention. 6.17.1 percent of variations of the fertility intention of married women can be effectively predicted by background variables, married women’s family pressure, and marriage satisfaction.
已婚婦女, 家庭壓力, 婚姻滿意度, 生育意向