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本研究旨在瞭解新竹縣國中教師心目中理想校長應具備的領導特質,並比較分析不同教師背景變項及不同學校背景變項的國民中學教師心目中理想校長領導特質的異同。本研究採問卷調查法,研究者參考多位專家學者所做的研究,就學校領導者應具備的特質並配合社會發展,歸納出對「人」、對「事」及對「物與財」三方面的領導特質,編製「國民中學教師心目中理想校長領導特質之研究調查問卷」。研究對象以新竹縣公立國民中學教師為母群體,依學校規模分層隨機抽樣29所公立國中之457位教師,進行問卷調查;調查所得資料,經過「描述統計」、「t考驗」、「單因子變異數分析與雪費法多重比較」等進行資料處理與分析。 本研究主要發現如下: 一、對「人」方面的特質,國民中學教師均能高度認知校長領導特質之各項作為,其中「誠實互信」是校長最重要的領導特質。 二、對「事」方面的特質,國民中學教師均能感受到稱職校長領導特質之各項作為,其中「積極負責」是校長最重要的領導特質。 三、對「物與財」方面的特質,國民中學教師均能高度期待校長領導特質之各項作為,其中「清廉無私」是校長最重要的領導特質。 四、在教師心目中校長領導特質上,女性教師高於男性教師。 五、30歲(含)以下組、31-40歲組與41-50歲組教師期盼稱職的校長領導特質,高於51歲以上組的教師。 六、一般大學畢業教師所期待的校長領導特質,高於師範或教育大學畢業的教師。 七、教師兼行政和教師兼導師心目中校長領導特質,高於一般專任教師。 八、15年(含)以下學校歷史之教師所感受稱職的校長領導特質,高於31-45年學校歷史之教師。   本研究分三方面提出建議,以供教育行政機關、現職校長、未來研究之參考。
The purposes of this study were to investigate leadership traits of an ideal principal at Junior High School in HsinChiu County District, and to compare and analyze the differences of these leadership traits of the principals among various groups. The quantitative data from questionnaire survey were used in this study. The questionnaire was focused on the leadership traits in three aspects of “Person”,” Matter”, and “Materials and Finance.” The 457 subjects were randomly sampled from teachers who were teaching at 29 different junior high schools in Hsinchiu county school district. The data obtained was statistically treated by “descriptive statistics”, “Independent-Sample t Test”, and “one -way analysis of variance and Scheffe method of multiple comparisons.” The main findings of this study were as follows: 1.In aspect of Person , “The Integrity and MutualTrust” was the most important leadership trait for being an considerable principal. 2.In aspect of Matter , “Positive Hard Working Attitude and Responsible Manner” was the most important leadership trait for being an competent principal. 3.In aspect of Materials and Finance , “Uncorrupted and Selfless” was the most important leadership trait for being an expected principal. 4.In all the leadership traits of principals in the aspects of “Person” and “Materials and Finance”, the scores of female teachers were higher than those of male teachers. 5.In all the leadership traits of principals in aspects of “Person” , “Matter”, and “Materials and Finance”, the scores of “group of 30 years old teachers”, “group of 31-40 years old teachers” and “group of 41-50 years old teachers” were higher than those of “group of over 51 years old teachers.” 6.In all the leadership traits of principals in the aspect of “Materials and Finance”, the scores of teachers who graduated from general universities were higher than those of teachers who graduated from normal universities and educational universities. 7.In all the leadership traits of principals in the aspect of “Person”, the scores of teachers who participate in administrative works and classroom teacher works were higher than those of general teachers 8.In all the leadership traits of principals in the aspect of “Person”, the scores of teachers who taught at schools under 15 years were higher than those of teachers who had taught at schools more than 45 years. Some recommendations were suggested for administration officers, principals, and future studies.



國中校長, 理想領導特質, 國中教師觀點, Junior high school principal, ideal leadership trait, viewpoint of teacher





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