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本研究旨在探討野百合國中學校本位課程的發展脈絡,及團隊成員如何在校本課程中藉由課程領導發揮影響力的過程?並提出課程領導者的角色任務、遭遇的困境與解決的策略。本研究採用個案研究法,描繪團隊成員進行課程領導的過程,藉由訪談校長、學輔主任、總務主任、輔導組長、導師及社會工作員等團隊成員,蒐集第一手資料,並輔以文件分析,以期能詳細釐清課程發展脈絡、團隊成員課程領導的過程、遭遇的困境與提出的策略。 根據個案研究的分析與發現,歸納出本研究的結論如下: 壹、從學生的需求出發,結合環境脈絡,並從課程制度與運作模式等實務面落實課程發展,讓野百合國中持續深化學校本位課程。 貳、課程領導者的界定無關職務,只要能對課程實施提供支持與引導的皆為課程領導者。 參、校本課程決策缺乏全體教師共識,教師對課程認同感不足,加上課程領導 者角色鮮明、能力良好,讓教師能力弱化,進而角色邊緣化。 肆、教師流動率高,新進教師不熟悉課程內容與運作,導致課程銜接與深化的困難。 伍、藉由校長、中間領導者、課程分組組長及社工的分散式領導,讓野百合國 中能對各階段困境進行因應,學校本位課程發展漸趨穩定。 陸、定期召開課程會議及發表教案,將資料上傳資料庫並更新,並廣邀課程 學者與專業人士增能,持續深化課程發展。
This study aims to discover the context of school-based curriculum development in Wild Lily junior high school and the process of how team members applied influence through curriculum leadership in school-based curriculum. The study also proposed the role tasks of the curriculum leader, the challenges the leader might encounter as well as the solving strategies. The study applied case study method to explain the process of conducting curriculum leadership among team members. The study collected the first-hand information mostly by interviewing the school principal, student-affairs director, general-affairs director, chief of counseling, homeroom teachers, and the social workers, assistant with document analysis. The study plans to elaborate the context of the curriculum development, the process of curriculum leadership under team members’ efforts, the challenges of the process and the feasible solutions. Based on the analysis and the findings of the case study. The conclusions are drawn as below. 1.Wild Lily junior high school intensified school-based curriculum constantly from students’ need, combining environmental context to implement curriculum development under the curriculum system and the operation mode. 2.The definition of the curriculum leader is not related to positions. Those who can support and conduct curriculum implementation can be called the curriculum leaders. 3.Consensus was not reached by the whole teachers on the decision of curriculum policy. Some teachers possessed insufficient sense of identity on school-based curriculum. Along with that, their ability is likely to be weakened or being marginalized by curriculum leaders with distinctive personality and ability. 4.Dominant curriculum leaders might marginalize teachers whom were incapable of achieving curriculum demands. 5.To react to the dilemmas in different stages, Wild Lily junior high school adopted decentralized leadership model through the principal, secondary leaders, curriculum leaders and social workers to stabilize the school-based curriculum development. 6.The school is suggested to strengthen curriculum development constantly by arranging regular curriculum meetings, publishing lesson plans, uploading the datum to the data bank and updating. In addition, the school can invite relevant curricular scholars and professional educators to empower their curriculum development.



課程領導, 分散式領導, 學校本位課程, curriculum leadership, decentralized leadership, school-based curriculum





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