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本研究旨在探討新北市國中「品德教育家庭聯絡簿」的實施現況與成效情形。首先瞭解新北市國中「品德教育家庭聯絡簿」的實施現況與實施成效,接著分析不同背景變項的導師在實施現況與實施成效的差異情形,最後探討實施方式與實施成效之間的關係,及實施困難與解決方式之間的關係。 本研究採問卷調查法,以新北市75所公立國中導師為研究對象,採分層隨機抽樣方式來選擇樣本,共計發出753份,回收有效樣本為612份,可用率達81.28%。本研究使用的工具為自編之「新北市國中『品德教育家庭聯絡簿』實施情形問卷」,所得資料以次數分配、百分比、描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析及雪費法事後多重比較等統計方法進行資料分析,並詳加討論。歸納本研究之結論如下: 一、新北市國中導師和學校在教學活動、師生互動、實施時間、家長配合方面,善用多元方式推動「品德教育家庭聯絡簿」。 二、新北市國中導師在家長配合、評量指標及教材設計方面遭遇困難。如家長未能以身作則,影響學生對「品德教育家庭聯絡簿」核心價值的實踐;缺乏具體的評量指標,使得導師難以判斷自己的實施成效;教材設計單一造成實施困難。 三、新北市國中導師多數贊同在面對「品德教育家庭聯絡簿」實施困難時,可以採用學生閱讀理解、教師專業知能和政府學校支持等方面的解決方式。 四、新北市國中導師多數認為新北市國中「品德教育家庭聯絡簿」的實施成效良好,惟在家長部分極少提供回饋,未能有雙向溝通。 五、新北市國中導師及學校在「品德教育家庭聯絡簿」的實施方式、實施困難、解決方式和實施成效上有所差異。 六、新北市國中導師愈是採用多元的「品德教育家庭聯絡簿」實施方式,實施成效會愈佳。 七、新北市國中「品德教育家庭聯絡簿」的解決方式有助於解決實施困難。 八、新北市學校行政認為導師對於「品德教育家庭聯絡簿」的整體支持度及實施成效良好。 最後,依據研究結論提出具體建議,以供新北市政府教育局、學校行政單位、導師、家長及後續研究者參考。
This research aims to discover the implementation and effectiveness of the Character Educational Communication Book from the junior high schools in New Taipei City. The first step is to understand the difference among the implementation and effectiveness of the Character Educational Communication Book. The second step is to analyze the difference among various background teachers. The last step is to discuss the relations in all implementation methods, difficulties, solutions, and effectiveness. Survey questionnaire methodology is adopted in this research, which takes homeroom teachers in 75 junior high schools in New Taipei City as research subjects. It selects samples by proportionate stratified random sampling. In result, there are 753 questionnaires issued and 612 valid questionnaires received. The percentage of valid questionnaires is 81.28%. The tool of this research is “The Research Questionnaire of the Implementation about the Character Educational Communication Book in junior high schools in New Taipei City”. This research process the data and make discussion by using some statistics methods like: frequency distribution, percentage, descriptive statistics, independent-sample t test, ANOVA, Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient, and Scheffe’s posterior comparisons. In summary, this research propose the conclusions as follows: 1. Homeroom teachers in junior high schools in New Taipei City and their schools apply multiple methods when promoting the Character Educational Communication Book. 2. Homeroom teachers are facing difficulty in parent-cooperation, evaluation-index, and teaching-material-design dimensions. 3. Most homeroom teachers agree the solutions to the implementing difficulties of Character Educational Communication Book. 4. Most homeroom teachers consider that the effectiveness of Character Educational Communication Book are very well but lacking two-way communication with parents. 5. Homeroom teacher and their schools appear difference in many dimensions of implementation methods, difficulties, solutions, and effectiveness of Character Educational Communication Book. 6. The more multiple methods of Character Educational Communication Book the homeroom teachers in New Taipei City use, the better effectiveness it gets. 7. The solutions found by this research help solving the difficulties of implementing Character Educational Communication Book in New Taipei City. 8. School administrators in New Taipei City consider that the degree of support and the score of implement from homeroom teachers are high while pushing Character Educational Communication Book. Finally, according to the conclusions, this research offers some specific suggestions to Education Bureau of New Taipei City, school operators, homeroom teachers, parents, and subsequent researchers.



品德教育家庭聯絡簿, 品德教育, 家庭聯絡簿, 實施現況, 實施成效, Character Educational Communication Book, Character Education, Communication Book, Implement State, Implement Effectiveness





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