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全球化時代不斷改變語言教學與學習的樣貌,中文學習在劇烈變化的背景下出現不同目的與功能的中文認證測驗。以創造更加美好世界為願景的國際文憑組織(International Baccalaureate®)亦有其華語課綱與對應的華語測驗,本研究站在中文為第二語言的角度,來探討其IB中文課綱及其測驗的內容作為本篇論文研究的主軸。本研究以國際文憑組織大學預科課程(Diploma Programme)中針對第二語言的語言B科目(Language B),將2013年至2017年每次考試的試卷中的「試卷一」作為研究材料,以內部對應和外部對照兩個方向探究IBDP語言B中文的普通測驗和高級測驗試卷的內容。研究結果顯示,作為第二語言學習的DP語言B中文科目,在內部對應環節發現了試卷一之文本主題偏向部分核心主題與選修主題,文本類型也並未如同大綱所述出現在試卷之中。大綱描述的測驗方式展現在選擇、多選、填空、簡答、配對、是非問答等六項題型。外部框架資料對應呈現試卷一難度體現在ACTFL等級的Advanced-Low前後,普通測驗與高級測驗試題難度呈現不同走勢曲線;測驗中的抽樣文本表現出普通測驗試卷等級為歐洲共同語言參考框架的A2-B1級,高級測驗試卷文本等級則為B1-B2。IB課程與考試已被引入至全球數千所學校中,對於國際教育的影響日增,所影響的學生人數亦極為眾多,但對於其課程、課綱及測驗等評估研究甚少,大部分的研究資料都僅是正面介紹或實施說明,希望透過本篇論文的研究與討論拋磚引玉,能夠引發日後更多中性的評估研究。
In this era of globalisation, the appearance of language teaching and learning is constantly changing. Along with these drastic changes comes the emergence of Chinese language certification tests with different purposes and functions. The International Baccalaureate®, with the vision of creating a better world, also has its Chinese language syllabus and corresponding Chinese language tests. This research will explore the IB Chinese syllabus and its testing items as the core of this study, and discuss it from the perspective of Chinese as a second language.This research uses test paper 1 between 2013 to 2017 from the second language subject of Language B in the Diploma Programme of the International Baccalaureate Organization, by comparing the items internally and contrasting them externally, this research aims to explore the contents of the Standard Level Test and Advanced Level Test papers of IBDP Language B Chinese.The results of this research demonstrated that for second language learning when corresponding to the internal link of the DP language B Chinese subject, it was found that the text topic of test paper 1 was biased towards some core topics and elective topics, and the text type did not appear in the test paper as stated in the outline. The test methods described in the outline are presented in six question types: single choice, multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, short answer, matching, and right-and-false or question-and-response. The external frame data shows that the difficulty for test paper 1 corresponded to the Advanced-Low (AL) level of the ACTFL level while the difficulty of the Standard Level Test and Advanced Level Test shows different trend curves. The sample text in the test shows that the level of the Standard Level Test correspond to the A2 - B1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference, whereas the level of the Advanced Level Test is B1- B2.IB courses and exams have been introduced to thousands of schools around the world, and their impact on international education is increasing as well as the number of students affected. However, there is very little research on the evaluation of its courses, syllabus, and tests. At present, most research only explores the positive introductions or implementation instructions. It is the intention of this study that the research and discussion of this paper can lead to more neutral evaluation research in the future.
In this era of globalisation, the appearance of language teaching and learning is constantly changing. Along with these drastic changes comes the emergence of Chinese language certification tests with different purposes and functions. The International Baccalaureate®, with the vision of creating a better world, also has its Chinese language syllabus and corresponding Chinese language tests. This research will explore the IB Chinese syllabus and its testing items as the core of this study, and discuss it from the perspective of Chinese as a second language.This research uses test paper 1 between 2013 to 2017 from the second language subject of Language B in the Diploma Programme of the International Baccalaureate Organization, by comparing the items internally and contrasting them externally, this research aims to explore the contents of the Standard Level Test and Advanced Level Test papers of IBDP Language B Chinese.The results of this research demonstrated that for second language learning when corresponding to the internal link of the DP language B Chinese subject, it was found that the text topic of test paper 1 was biased towards some core topics and elective topics, and the text type did not appear in the test paper as stated in the outline. The test methods described in the outline are presented in six question types: single choice, multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, short answer, matching, and right-and-false or question-and-response. The external frame data shows that the difficulty for test paper 1 corresponded to the Advanced-Low (AL) level of the ACTFL level while the difficulty of the Standard Level Test and Advanced Level Test shows different trend curves. The sample text in the test shows that the level of the Standard Level Test correspond to the A2 - B1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference, whereas the level of the Advanced Level Test is B1- B2.IB courses and exams have been introduced to thousands of schools around the world, and their impact on international education is increasing as well as the number of students affected. However, there is very little research on the evaluation of its courses, syllabus, and tests. At present, most research only explores the positive introductions or implementation instructions. It is the intention of this study that the research and discussion of this paper can lead to more neutral evaluation research in the future.
國際文憑組織, IBDP, Language B, IB中文, 閱讀測驗, International Baccalaureate, IBDP, Language B, IB Chinese, Reading test