
dc.contributor.authorYU HUNG YIen_US
dc.description.abstract中文摘要 根據突破雜誌146期報導:「單就飲料市場而言,具估計每年約有五百種口味或包裝不同的新飲料產品進入市場,但能存活下來的可能不到百分之一。一個成功的商品需要相當多的條件互相配合,但除了行銷所說的4P(產品∕Product、價格∕Price、通路∕Place、推廣∕Promotion)外,Philip Kotler於其著作行銷管理學書中提到,包裝是4P之後的第五個P,是產品策略中的一大要素。可見包裝設計之重要性。 然而隨著消費環境全球化,市場競爭加速,新產品不斷推陳出新,面臨到的問題是產品區隔性不大,包裝設計擔負起產品行銷的重大使命。優良的包裝設計具有吸引消費者目光並刺激其購買慾望之功能,因此如何藉由設計策略瞭解消費者之潛在需求,探討創意之廣度及表現之可行性並建立包裝設計之評核標準,是相當重要且值得研究的課題。 一個成功的包裝設計案例,建構在設計者對產品、行銷與目標消費者之深度認知,其與設計之關係藉由擬訂設計策略,以作為設計創作之方針與依據。本研究以「吸飲凍葡萄果汁」為例,進行包裝設計策略之探討與應用,參考既有之行銷策略、瞭解目標消費族群生活型態、品牌DNA分析研究、競爭品牌視覺表現分析研究、藉此擬定設計策略並綜合歸納該族群視覺流行趨勢,以進行包裝設計創作,作為日後相關研究及設計實務之參考。 研究結果顯示:設計策略於產品行銷與設計活動有非常顯著之效益。設計策略對於企業體之效益為:1.確立包裝設計定位。2.建立包裝設計之評核標準。3.提升包裝設計執行效益。同時於設計創作之效益為:1.提升創意發想能力。2.提升表現形式能力。3.提升執行效率。 關鍵字:設計策略、包裝設計、行銷策略、生活形態、視覺流行趨勢zh_TW
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT According to a report in the Marketing magazine,vol.146. “…Just the beverage market alone, an estimated 500 new flavors or packaging would enter the market every year, but perhaps only less than 1% would survive.” In order to launch a successful product, we need many factors working together, apart from the marketing four ‘P’s—Product, Price, Place, Promotion. Philip Kotler, author of “Marketing Management”, mentioned in his book, that Packaging, the fifth “P”, is one major element in product strategy. One could tell from here the importance ofpackage design. However, with the rise of market globalization, the consumer is being confronted with a broad array of product selection. Acceleration in competition has also hastened the launch of new products, leaving little room for product segmentation. All these point to the significant role that packaging has to play. A good package design has the power to attract the consumer and stimulate the desire to purchase. Therefore, to understand the potential need of the consuming market thru design strategy; to explore the variety of creative ideas and the possible ways of expression; to establish a standard criteria of package design would then be an important subject worthy of further research. A successful package design is built upon the designer’s in-depth knowledge of the product, the marketing and the consumer, which constitute the basis and direction for creative design, with the entire process a design strategy in its own right. Using “Nata De Coco Grape Juice”, an actual product as example, this study talked about the exploration and application on the subject matter of strategy of packaging design. Referring to the product’s current marketing strategy; discovering the lifestyle of the target consumer group; analyzing the DNAs of brands in the market, the competitions and their visual expressions. With the above understanding as the basis of creative package design, forming a design strategy and generally incorporating the visual trends amongst the group, which would serve as a reference for related future study and design practices. The result of this study shows: design strategy has an enormous effect on product marketing and the design activities. The corporation benefits from design strategy thru: 1) Establishing the direction of packaging design 2) Establishing the criteria for packaging design. 3) Advancing the executive effect of packaging design. The creative design also benefits thru: 1) Advancing the ability of creative thinking. 2) Advancing the ability to express. 3) Advancing the efficiency in execution. Keyword: Design Strategy, Package Design, Marketing Strategy, Lifestyle, Visual Trends.en_US
dc.subjectDesign Strategyen_US
dc.subjectPackage Designen_US
dc.subjectMarketing Strategyen_US
dc.subjectVisual Trendsen_US
dc.titleThe Strategy of Packaging Design-The Exploration and Applicationen_US

