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本研究旨在比較八十一學年度台灣區中等 學校技藝競賽工業電子組選手在學科與術科成 績之差異情形。本研究之主要結論為: 1.學科之及格率為41.7%,術科之及格率為 7.29%,學術科均及格者在四十八位中只有三位, 佔6.25%。 2.各選手之在校成績與競賽後之成績相關 程度低,且未達顯著水準。 3.台灣省公立學校選手在學科與術科方面 之成績均優於私立學校選手。 4.台灣區公立學校選手在學科與術科方面 之成績均優於私立學校選手。 5.就公立學校而言,台北巿選手之成績優於 台灣省選手,而台灣省選手之成績又優於高雄 巿選手。 6.本次測驗結果顯示學科、術科(一)和術 科(二)之間相關性極高且達顯著水準。 7.就參賽選手感覺較難的術科(二)而言,其 成績居然超過術科(一)達十分(含)以上者占 35.4%,值得供各校落實基礎性電路技能教學改進 之參考。 8.本研究之對象雖為各校推派之學生,但所 分析之結果,仍可作為命題單位或各校教學改 進之參考。
The study was aimed to compare the Industrial Electronics contestants' performance difference in academic subject vs. practical skill in 1993 Taiwan skill competition. The conclusions were as follows: 1. The pass rate of academic subject was 41.7%, the practical skill was 7.29%. Only 3 out of 48 students pass both academic subject tests and practical skill tests, account for 6.25%. 2. The correlation of contestants' school performance vs. competition performance was low, and did not achieve significant difference level. 3. For Taiwan province, the performance of public school contestants were better than private school contestants, in both academic subject and practical skill. 4. For Taiwan area, the performance of public school contestants were also better than private schools', in both academic subject and practical skill. 5. For public schools, Taipei city contestants preformed better than Taiwan province, and Taiwan province contestants preformed better than Kaohsiungs'. 6. This test result revealed that the correlation of academic subject, practical skill (I) and (II) was pretty high, achieve significant difference level. 7. This test result revealed that practical skill (II) was higher than practical skill (I) over 10 points (35.4% of all). The schools should improve basic circuit practical skill for teaching. 8. Even though the subjects of the research were the students elected by schools, the results could also be the reference for improvement.
The study was aimed to compare the Industrial Electronics contestants' performance difference in academic subject vs. practical skill in 1993 Taiwan skill competition. The conclusions were as follows: 1. The pass rate of academic subject was 41.7%, the practical skill was 7.29%. Only 3 out of 48 students pass both academic subject tests and practical skill tests, account for 6.25%. 2. The correlation of contestants' school performance vs. competition performance was low, and did not achieve significant difference level. 3. For Taiwan province, the performance of public school contestants were better than private school contestants, in both academic subject and practical skill. 4. For Taiwan area, the performance of public school contestants were also better than private schools', in both academic subject and practical skill. 5. For public schools, Taipei city contestants preformed better than Taiwan province, and Taiwan province contestants preformed better than Kaohsiungs'. 6. This test result revealed that the correlation of academic subject, practical skill (I) and (II) was pretty high, achieve significant difference level. 7. This test result revealed that practical skill (II) was higher than practical skill (I) over 10 points (35.4% of all). The schools should improve basic circuit practical skill for teaching. 8. Even though the subjects of the research were the students elected by schools, the results could also be the reference for improvement.