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指長比(食指與無名指長度的比率)為一種胚胎時期所受雄性激素暴露量的負向指標,即暴露越多雄性激素者會擁有較低的指長比,而雄性激素會影響胎兒腦部發展與身體發展,進而影響個體的認知、行為等能力。過去研究已發現指長比與攻擊性、人格特質等有關聯,然而卻缺乏與高層次認知思考相關的研究。本研究目的旨在探討指長比與幽默風格、嘲笑風格與創造力之間的相關性,共150位(男性74位、女性76位)參與者分別完成大五人格量表、幽默風格量表、嘲笑風格量表、新編語文創造思考測驗,以及以掃描方式測量其手指長度。結果顯示男性比女性在左右手都有較低之指長比,右手與左手指長比差異(Difference between the digit ratio of right and left hands, DR-L)則沒有差異。大五人格在控制性別影響後,左手指長比與情緒穩定性有負淨相關、DR-L與外向性有負淨相關。幽默風格在控制性別影響後,DR-L與自我貶抑型有負淨相關。在嘲笑風格中,男性組的喜笑人與左手指長比有正相關,與DR-L有負相關,為互相矛盾的結果。創造力在控制性別影響後流暢力與變通力與左手指長比有負淨相關。總結本研究關注之變項雖然為高層次的認知功能,但仍部份能夠以生理之觀點解釋,提供幽默與創造力方面研究新的視點。
Digit ratio, defined as the relative length of the 2nd and 4th digits, is a biomarker of prenatal androgen exposure. The more prenatal androgen you were exposed, the smaller the digit ratio. Research also suggested that androgen may influence the brain and body development of the fetus, and thereby affect individual’s cognition and behavior. Although correlational studies have found the relationships between digit ratio and behavioral traits, such as aggression and personality, there was no research exploring the relationship between digit ratio and the higher-level cognitive abilities. Specifically, this research aimed to focus on humor styles, gelotophobia, gelotophilia, katagelasticism and creativity. 150 participants (74 males and 76 female) were recruited and asked to fill out the questionnaires, including Mini-Markers, Humor Styles Questionnaire-TC, PhoPhiKat-TC and the New Verbal Tests of Creativity Thinking. The length of participants’ fingers was scanned and calculated as the digit ratio. The results showed that males had a smaller digit ratio than females on both hands, but the difference in the digit ratio between the hands (DR-L) did not differ between genders. As we controlled for sex, we found a negative partial correlation between the emotional stability and left-hand digit ratio, and a negative partial correlation between extroversion and DR-L. In addition, there was a negative partial correlation between DR-L and self-defeating humor. Furthermore, for the male group, katagelasticism was positively related to left-hand digit ratio, but was negatively related to DR-L, suggesting a contradicting result. As we controlled for sex, there were negative partial correlations between digit ratio, fluency, and flexibility. In general, this research examined the higher-level cognitive abilities from a biological point of view, providing insights into the research on humor and creativity.
Digit ratio, defined as the relative length of the 2nd and 4th digits, is a biomarker of prenatal androgen exposure. The more prenatal androgen you were exposed, the smaller the digit ratio. Research also suggested that androgen may influence the brain and body development of the fetus, and thereby affect individual’s cognition and behavior. Although correlational studies have found the relationships between digit ratio and behavioral traits, such as aggression and personality, there was no research exploring the relationship between digit ratio and the higher-level cognitive abilities. Specifically, this research aimed to focus on humor styles, gelotophobia, gelotophilia, katagelasticism and creativity. 150 participants (74 males and 76 female) were recruited and asked to fill out the questionnaires, including Mini-Markers, Humor Styles Questionnaire-TC, PhoPhiKat-TC and the New Verbal Tests of Creativity Thinking. The length of participants’ fingers was scanned and calculated as the digit ratio. The results showed that males had a smaller digit ratio than females on both hands, but the difference in the digit ratio between the hands (DR-L) did not differ between genders. As we controlled for sex, we found a negative partial correlation between the emotional stability and left-hand digit ratio, and a negative partial correlation between extroversion and DR-L. In addition, there was a negative partial correlation between DR-L and self-defeating humor. Furthermore, for the male group, katagelasticism was positively related to left-hand digit ratio, but was negatively related to DR-L, suggesting a contradicting result. As we controlled for sex, there were negative partial correlations between digit ratio, fluency, and flexibility. In general, this research examined the higher-level cognitive abilities from a biological point of view, providing insights into the research on humor and creativity.
人格特質, 幽默風格, 指長比, 創造力, 嘲笑風格, Big-5 Personality Traits, Creativity, Digit Ratio, Humor Styles, PhoPhiKat-TC