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本研究以平面流行圖像酷卡為刺激物,探討台灣成人與青少年世代對平面流行圖像的偏好與美感判斷。本研究透過2(世代)× 2(動態程度)× 2(複雜程度)的實驗設計,要求參與者觀看視覺刺激物後回答感受。研究結果顯示:1. 平面流行圖像的數量以中偏低的動態、複雜程度為大宗,極高的動態、極高的複雜度、以及極低的複雜度數量都非常稀少;2. 成人與青少年對於不同動態程度的酷卡,有偏好與美感判斷上的顯著差異。3. 兩世代皆顯著較偏好「低動態」勝於「高動態」的圖像,並有同樣的審美判斷;但成人比青少年給予低動態酷卡有較高評價,青少年則比成人更能接受高動態畫面。4. 中低動態的圖像已經造成參與者「生動、活潑、靈活、躍動」的感受。成人與青少年對於高動態的圖像有「混亂、瑣碎、繁雜、擁擠」的感受;對於低複雜的圖像有「單純、純粹、簡單、簡明」的感受;對於高複雜的圖像有「混亂、瑣碎、繁雜、擁擠」的感受。5. 對於各圖像成人的偏好與美感判斷相關性比青少年大。
This research used CoolCARDs as stimuli to understand aesthetic responses of adolescents and adults. A 2(generations) × 2(complexity) × 2(dynamics) experiment design was adopted. The participants’ preference and aesthetics were measured. The results indicated: 1. Most popular graphic design fell on medium-low dynamics and complexity, whereas extremely high dynamics, extremely high complexity and extremely low complexity were rarely found. 2. There was a significant difference between adolescents and adults on preference and aesthetics 3. Two generations had similar aesthetics and both preferred low dynamic CoolCARDs. Besides, the adults valued low dynamics whereas the adolescents tended to accept high dynamics 4. Many participants had the feeling of “vividness, liveliness, nimbleness, and agility” from low dynamic CoolCARDs. Adults and adolescents had the feeling of “chaos, triviality, complication and crowd” from high dynamic CoolCARDs”; and that of “simplicity, purity, easiness and clarity” from low complex CoolCARDs; and that of “chaos, triviality, complication and crowd” from high complex CoolCARDs.” 5. Relevance to preference and aesthetics from adults was closer than adolescents Keywords: generation, preference, aesthetics, graphic design, dynamics, complexity
This research used CoolCARDs as stimuli to understand aesthetic responses of adolescents and adults. A 2(generations) × 2(complexity) × 2(dynamics) experiment design was adopted. The participants’ preference and aesthetics were measured. The results indicated: 1. Most popular graphic design fell on medium-low dynamics and complexity, whereas extremely high dynamics, extremely high complexity and extremely low complexity were rarely found. 2. There was a significant difference between adolescents and adults on preference and aesthetics 3. Two generations had similar aesthetics and both preferred low dynamic CoolCARDs. Besides, the adults valued low dynamics whereas the adolescents tended to accept high dynamics 4. Many participants had the feeling of “vividness, liveliness, nimbleness, and agility” from low dynamic CoolCARDs. Adults and adolescents had the feeling of “chaos, triviality, complication and crowd” from high dynamic CoolCARDs”; and that of “simplicity, purity, easiness and clarity” from low complex CoolCARDs; and that of “chaos, triviality, complication and crowd” from high complex CoolCARDs.” 5. Relevance to preference and aesthetics from adults was closer than adolescents Keywords: generation, preference, aesthetics, graphic design, dynamics, complexity
世代, 偏好, 美感判斷, 流行圖像, 動態程度, 複雜程度, generation, preference, aesthetics, graphic design, dynamics, complexity